
TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme in association with Civica Innovation Partners

logologoThis form is to apply for the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme in association with Civica Innovation Partners. The form should be completed by the company Founder or CEO/MD and should take no more than 10-15 minutes. Please complete the form as fully as possible and submit it by Friday 8th February 2019. 

If you are shortlisted, we will invite you to attend a Pre-Qualification Session (PQS) in London in mid-March. We will advise you if your application has been shortlisted within two weeks of the close date. After we receive your application, we may ask you to submit your company sales/corporate/investor deck to assist our evaluation and/or call you for further discussion.

To be elibigle to apply, you should be the Founder or CEO/MD of a privately-held, UK tech company with revenues below £10m p.a. with an innovative solution in the areas of “machine intelligence”, including:  Analytics; AI; Automation and Connected Devices.

At a minimum, your technology solution must have been successfully deployed to at least one customer and is now ready to scale. Civica is interested in solutions for use in any sector; one of its goals is to work with you to see how solutions being provided in the private sector can be applied to its public sector customer base.

There is no fee required to apply for or, if selected, to participate in a Pre-Qualification Session.

You can find further information about the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme, along with a list of Frequently Asked Questions, on TechMarketView's wesbite here. There is more information about the Civica Innovation Partners programme on Civica's website here.

For any further information please email or call TechMarketView Managing Partner Anthony Miller on 020 3002 8463.

TechMarketView collects and uses personal data as a Data Controller. You can find more information about how we deal with personal data in our Privacy Policy.


Company name *
(As registered at Companies House)

Company Number *
(As registered at Companies House)

Trading name
(Please give your company's trading name if different from that registered at Company's House)

HQ City *
(Please enter the name of the city in which your company is headquartered)

HQ phone number *

Website address *
(Please give your company's home page website address)

LinkedIn page
(Please give your company's LinkedIn page)

Twitter handle
(Please give your company's Twitter handle)

Facebook page
(Please give your company's Facebook page)

Year founded *
(In which year was your company founded?)

Company description *
(Brief description of your company's products/services.)

Company ownership *
(Which of the following options best describes ownership of your company?)

Company ownership (explanation)
(Please add any explanation if needed)

Employees *
(How many people currently work for your company (full-time equivalent employees on your payroll) )

Contractors *
(In addition to employees on your payroll, how many contractors do you engage (average full-time equivalent))

Primary revenue source *
(Select from the drop-down list the primary source of your company's revenues)

Primary revenue source (explanation)
(Please add any explanation if needed)


Market 'sweet spot' *
(How would you describe your market 'sweet spot' in terms of customer size, sector, geography, etc?)

Technology focus *
(Please indicate which of the following capabilities best categorises the technology used in your solution (tick all that apply))

Technology focus (Explanation)
(If you ticked Other in the prior question please explain here)

Intellectual property *
(What proportion of your revenues do you consider to be attributable to your own intellectual property (IP). )

Sector focus *
(What are the key vertical markets for your solution? Please tick any that generate 10% or more of your revenues.)

Sector focus (Explanation)
(Please add any further explanation of your previous answer if you need.)

Geographical focus *
(What are the key geographical markets for your solution? Please tick any that generate 10% or more of your revenues.)

Geographical focus (explanation)
(Please add any explanation if needed)

(What do you consider to be your 'unique selling proposition', i.e. what is it that truly differentiates your solution in the marketplace?)


Revenue run rate *
(What is your CURRENT annualised headline revenue run-rate?)

Revenue growth rate *
(How fast did your revenues grow over the past 12 months?)

Customer numbers *
(How many customer organisations have deployed your solution?)

Example clients
(If you are prepared to do so, please can you list any client names that you consider to be exemplars for your solution. If you have a case study on them, please include the web address.)

Obstacles to growth *
(What do you consider to be the main obstacles to growth? Please tick up to three.)

(If Other, please explain)


Opportunity *
(Why do you think Civica should partner with your company?)


First name *

Surname *

Position/Title *
(Please note that this application should only be completed by the company Founder or CEO/MD.)

Contact phone number *

Contact email address *

Source *
(How did you hear about the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme?)

Source (Other)
(If you selected 'Other' please explain here)

PLEASE PRESS GREEN 'SUBMIT FORM' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by authorised TechMarketView and Civica personnel with a specific need to know to assist in the selection of applicants to participate in the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme. TechMarketView and Civica may also contact applicant companies to apprise them of their respective products and services. Information will not be passed to other third party organisations without permission from the applicant company.