Thursday 23 April 2015

Another great day for Little British Battlers!

logoMany thanks again to the CEOs of the companies who participated in yesterday’s sixth Little British Battler Day (see Little British Battlers - The Sixth Sense) at industry association techUK headquarters in London (for whose support we are very grateful).

As always, we were delighted to hear how innovative and ambitious these companies are, and how some are providing stiff competition for companies many times their size.

We will be writing about these Little British Battlers soon on UKHotViews, and TechMarketView Foundation Service subscription clients will also be able to read our more detailed analysis in the forthcoming Little British Battler Report.

But don’t worry if you missed the boat this time. We will be running another Little British Battler Day later this year. Keep your eyes peeled on UKHotViews for the announcement.

Want to know more? Deb Seth on our client services team will be happy to oblige.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:44'