
Payments Bulletin December 2015

The December 2015 edition of Payments Bulletin looks at two different disruptors to payments in 2016. These are at different stages of development and we consider their respective impact on the market and on the outlook for the SITS supplier community, particularly for the coming year.

The first wave of disruption considered is that of the Blockchain, whose threat/promise is still some way off-shore, but which does have the potential to transform many value chains and established ecosystems across the financial services industry. The potential impact goes well beyond the payments market, but nonetheless it will have a significant disruptive effect on this important segment.

In addition, we consider the impact of the Smartphone on the payments market. This “wave” has already been crashing against the sector’s defences for several years, but the continued increase in both penetration and sophistication of the devices means that there is still a lot of work for the payment incumbents to do to counter the adverse effects on their business.

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