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Monday 07 December 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* 360Science: stepping up to the enterprise; toughing it out in data prep

360Science logoData specialist HelpIT has rebranded as 360Science (click here for a refresh on the company), a move that reflects a step up from a departmental to an enterprise level focus based around a common (360 degree) view of customer data. The company is still committed to its foundation matchIT data matching software but has expanded its data quality footprint and ambitions, with a particular focus on data preparation. 

This is one of those burdens enterprises find hard to manage but should not be skimped on because data quality is the keystone to joined up, digitally enabled business. Against that background 360Science is focusing on providing tools that can bring customer data together across departments, while also majoring on simplicity and technology agnosticism. We see it as an example of a ‘Conductive Thread’ within the TechMarketView Frictionless Fabric model for the ultimate digital entity. 

UKHotViews Premium logo360Science is a relatively small company (one of our Little British Battlers) but an example of a UK tech success story that is still growing (despite some C-19 impact). TechMarketView subscribers, including those taking UKHotViews Premium,  can learn more about the company and its developments in HotViewsExtra 360Science stepping up to the enterprise and toughing it out in data preparation.

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Posted by: Angela Eager at 17:53

Tags: software   data   rebrand  

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