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Thursday 02 February 2012

Little British Battlers battling – and winning (6)

Here are highlights of the last two ‘small but perfectly formed’ UK software and IT services companies whose CEOs we met at our inaugural Little British Battler event last week (see here).

We will be compiling an analysis of all 12 companies for publication in our inaugural LBB Report later this month.  We have been deluged with requests for this report, but just as a reminder, it will only be available to eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients. Our Deb ( can show you the way!


Toplevel: ticking the UK Government ICT strategy boxes

Toplevel logoIn targeting small UK central government agencies, Toplevel is managing to tick a fair few boxes when it comes to the UK Government ICT strategy. Its key offering is designed to help government organisations increase the take-up of online services. Tick number 1! As an SME it achieves that by offering a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product – Outreach – allowing it to compete against the bespoke solutions offered by the big SIs. (SME. Tick. Less bespoke development. Tick). Outreach is a business process automation suite for delivering case management systems that have an online portal. Also ticking the boxes, it can be used for ‘agile development’ allowing the quick build of prototype forms and process workflow. And once developed, Toplevel will host and manage the application in the cloud (another tick). Toplevel also has some strong references; it helped Arts Council England increase online take-up (grants applications) from 3% to 53% over a twelve month period. Having bid for a place on the G-Cloud framework it will now be hoping that success will help it expand its presence in the sector.


Sumerian standing out in the crowd

SumerianWe’re so used to seeing analytics applied in customer-centric areas that it’s easy to forget that the use cases are much broader. Sumerian stands out because it brings innovation to enterprise IT operations through the application of analytics. What that brings is the ability to predict and understand the impact of change in terms of direct financial cost or savings, and the overall impact on the business of better (or worse) IT performance. Where time literally is money such as in real time high volume trading environments, latency has a tangible cost and Sumerian has proved its value with big name clients in this area. Activities like system consolidation, optimisation through virtualisation, and capacity planning determine how businesses run and are highly topical within cost conscious enterprises. Following the appointment of CEO Bryan Clark (formerly CIO at KPMG Europe, and a Sumerian customer) in December 2011, the company is preparing for its next growth stage. Expect to hear much more from this Scottish LBB.

Posted by: HotViews Editor at 07:59

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