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We’re an influential analyst and advisory firm focused on the UK tech market. A trusted advisor to tech suppliers – from global market leaders to innovative start-ups – and to tech users and investors, as they navigate change and identify opportunities.
Our high-profile team of experts provide robust analysis of suppliers & disruptive market trends. Respected for honest, independent advice TMV analysts are just as happy to share their views over coffee, as they are to present to the Board.
Our deep understanding of the UK tech market is supported by decades of data on suppliers large & small, public & private, and augmented by privileged conversations with leaders from across the sector.
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TechMarketView has grown rapidly over the last few years and boasts an exceptionally strong team of people. Both our analyst and client services teams are very approachable - please get in touch with any one of us directly if there's something you think we can help with.
Georgina O'Toole is Chief Analyst and Partner at TechMarketView, a role that encompasses thought leadership and business development. She is a respected industry analyst known for her commentary on the UK software and IT services market and for her in depth knowledge of the public sector, having primarily focused on the sector for the last twelve years.
“For several years TechMarketView has been our authoritative source of UK public sector market analysis, for everyone including our CEO. In terms of objective, knowledgeable insight and quality of analysis, there is no comparison amongst their competitors. Their insights often align with our own experience of the market and are key to the choices we make when setting our strategy.”
Colin Campbell
Business Development Director, Public Sector at Kainos
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