Thursday 21 March 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* Motor Fuel Group: Modernising the forecourt experience

St Albans-headquartered, Motor Fuel Group (MFG), is the UK’s largest independent forecourt operator. While you might not know the brand, you’re likely to be unknowingly interacting with this multi-billion-pound business frequently.

The firm recently completed the acquisition of 337 Morrisons forecourts, taking the total number of MFG forecourts to over 1200 in the UK. This deal, together with the transfer of 400 parcels of land to develop as EV charging stations, positions MFG as a leading independent forecourt provider in the UK. MFG also partners with well-known retail and fast-food brands, such as Costa, Subway, Greggs and Uber Eats.

This report provides an insight into the acquisitive Motor Fuel Group, which can trace it roots back to 2011. Kate Hanaghan, Chief Research Officer, spoke to IT Director, Paresh Patel, about MFG’s progress with partner, Graphite-backed MSP, Digital Space, to modernise the forecourt experience and improve both resilience and productivity within the Group.

Tech User Programme, TechSectorViews, and Foundation Service customers can read the report here: Motor Fuel Group: Modernising the forecourt experience

Contact Deb Seth to find out if your organisation has access.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:00'

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