
Great British Scaleup Programme - Application Form (GBS6)

Thank you for applying to participate in the TechMarketView Great British Scaleup ProgrammeSeries A Growth Challenge” in association with ScaleUp Group.

To be eligible to apply, you must be a fast-growing, privately-held, UK-headquartered tech SME with recurring revenues of circa £1m p.a.

Founders/CEOs/MDs of successful applicants will be invited to attend a Pre-Qualification Session in London on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 and should be accompanied by at least one other member of the executive team.

The Pre-Qualification Session is a 90-minute, in-depth confidential review with TechMarketView and ScaleUp Group. We’ll ask you to take us through your business plan to understand why you believe you can rise to the “Series A Growth Challenge”. The most promising candidates will be invited by ScaleUp Group for further discussion with a view to mapping out a path to funding.

Please complete this application form as fully as possible and submit it by Wednesday 24th April 2019. We aim to advise successful applicants by Wednesday 8th May. There is no fee required to apply or participate.

You can find further information about the TechMarketView Great British Scaleup programme on our website here. If you need any further information please email

For the purposes of GDPR, details of our privacy policy can be found here.


Company name *
(As registered at Companies House)

Company Number *
(As registered at Companies House)

Trading name
(Please provide your trading name if different from your registered company name)

HQ address *

HQ phone number *

Website home page *

Twitter handle

LinkedIn home page

Facebook home page

Instagram home page

Year founded *

Number of employees *
(Select from the drop-down list the number of full-time equivalent headcount in your company including contractors )


Company description *
(Brief description of your company's products/services)

Primary line of business *
(Select from the drop-down list the primary source of your company's revenues)

Other Primary Line of Business
(If 'Other', please briefly explain)

Technology themes *
(Please select the underlying technology theme(s) that your products and/or services play too. Please tick up to THREE.)

Other technology themes
(If you specified Other above, please explain here)

Differentiators *
(Briefly, what makes your company and/or its products and services stand out from the crowd?)

Intellectual property *
(What proportion of your revenues do you consider to be attributable to your own intellectual property (IP). )

Operating regions *
(Please tick all geographies in which your company currently has active operations such as sales offices, development labs, support centres, partners, etc)

Client regions *
(Please tick all geographies from which you derive at least 10% of your total revenues.)

Growth region *
(Which is your fastest growing region and at what rate is it growing?)

Client vertical market *
(Please tick all those vertical market sectors from which you generate at least 10% of your company's revenues.)

Growth vertical *
(Which is your fastest growing vertical sector and at what rate is it growing?)

Addressable market *
(How large do you think your addressable market is today?)

Addressable market source *
(What was the primary source of the estimate of your addressable market? )

Market growth *
(How fast do you think your addressable market is growing?)


Headline revenues *
(What were your headline revenues in your most recently completed financial year?)

Headline revenue growth *
(What was the headline revenue growth in your most recently recorded financial year?)

(What was the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of your headline revenues over the past three financial years?)

Revenue run rate *
(What is your current annualised headline revenue run-rate?)

Recurring revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues do you consider as 'recurring', i.e. under periodic payment (typically monthly or quarterly)for a pre-contracted duration?)

Recurring revenue growth *
(How fast are your recurring revenues growing?)

EBITDA margin *
(What was your EBITDA margin in your most recently reported financial year?)

Non-UK revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues currently derive from outside of the UK?)

Partner revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues currently derive though partners?)


Insider ownership *
(What proportion of the company's shares are held or controlled by 'insiders', such as founder(s), management, employees, family and friends?)

Exchanges *
(Are shares in your company traded on any public exchange?)

Funding *
(Have you ever raised external funding for this company? If yes, please also answer the following questions. )

Funding date
(In which year was your most recent funding round?)

Funding amount
(How much did you raise in your most recent funding round?)


Scale-up ambition *
(In brief, why do you think your company has significant scale-up potential? )

Growth potential *
(How much greater do you think your revenues could be by the end of 2022 than today if you had the resources you need?)

Obstacles to growth *
(What do you see as the key obstacles to realising your company's growth potential over the next 3 years? (please select up to THREE))

Growth funding *
(How much external funding do you think you need to double your revenues in the next three years?)

Funding deployment *
(How would you deploy additional funding if you were able to raise it (Please mark up to three))

(If Other, please explain)

Future addressable market *
(How large do you think your addressable market would be if you got growth funding?)


First name *

Surname *

Position/Title *

Contact phone number *

Contact email address *

Source *
(How did you hear about the TechMarketView Great British Scaleup Programme?)

Source (Other)
(If you answered 'Other' to the question above, please can you note how you heard about the Great British Scaleup programme)

Why applied *
(What attracted you to apply to the Great British Scaleup programme? Please tick up to three)

Why applied (Other)
(Please use this space for any further explanation of the question above.)

PLEASE PRESS GREEN 'SUBMIT FORM' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by TechMarketView and official partners and sponsors to assist in the selection of applicants to participate in the Great British Scaleup programme. TechMarketView and official partners and sponsors may also contact applicant companies to apprise them of their respective products and services. Information will not be passed to other third party organisations without permission from the applicant company.