
Great British Scaleups: Pre-Qualification Form - GBS2

Thank you for your interest in the TechMarketView Great British Scaleup programme, in association with ScaleUp Group.

To qualify, you must be a privately held, UK-headquartered tech SME.

Preferred candidates will typically have more than 20 employees and revenue growth of at least 20% p.a. with a minimum £3m annualised revenue run rate. But most importantly, you should have clear potential to accelerate growth.

In order for your company to be to be considered for particpation, please will you complete this Pre-Qualification Form (PQF) as fully as possible. There is no fee required to apply for or participate in a Great British Scaleup Event.

If you have any further queries please contact


Company name *
(As registered at Companies House)

Company Number *
(As registered at Companies House)

HQ address *

HQ phone number *

Website *

Twitter handle

LinkedIn page


Year founded *

Company description *
(Brief description of your company's products and services)

Market positioning *
(What is it that differentiates your products and services from your competitors'?)

Number of employees *
(Select from the drop-down list the number of full-time equivalents in your company )

Primary revenue source *
(Select from the drop-down list the primary source of your company's revenues)

(If 'Other', please briefly explain)

Proprietary IP *
(What percentage of your company's primary revenue source derives from your proprietary intellectual property?)

Partner channels *
(What %age of your total revenues is derived through partner channels?)

Leading partners
(Who are your top three channel partners?)


Target markets *
(Please tick which of the following are your main target markets (check all applicable))

Operating geographies *
(Please tick all geographies in which your company currently has active operations such as sales offices, development labs, support centres, partners, etc )

Client geographies *
(Please tick all geographies from which you derive at least 10% of your total revenues.)

Fastest growing geographical market *
(Which of the above is your fastest growing market? At what rate is it growing?)

Vertical sectors *
(Please tick all those vertical market sectors from which you generate at least 10% of your company's revenues.)

Fastest growing vertical sector *
(Which of the above is your fastest growing vertical sector? At what rate is it growing?)

Client concentration *
(What percentage of your total revenues derives from your Top 5 clients?)

Reference clients *
(Give the names of three reference clients)


Key executives *
(List the company's key executives and their roles)

CEO tenure *
(For how many years has the current CEO been in this role?)

Founder involvement *
(Are any of the company's founders still involved with the business? If so, in what role(s)?)


Public/Private *
(Are any shares in your company listed on a public stock exchange (Yes/No)? If yes, please specify below.)

Public exchange
(If Yes, give name and country of the exchange on which your shares are listed)

Major shareholders *
(List those shareholders who own 5% or more of the company's equity and the percentage they hold)


Prior external funding
(Have you received any external funding in the past two years? If so, please indicate when and amount.)

Future external funding
(Are you thinking about seeking external funding? If so, please indicate envisioned timeframe and amount.)


Most recent FY revenues *
(What were your headline revenues in your most recently recorded financial year?)

Headline revenue growth *
(What was the headline revenue growth in your most recently recorded financial year?)

(What was the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of your headline revenues over the past three financial years?)

Revenue run rate *
(What is your CURRENT annualised headline revenue run-rate?)

Non-UK revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues currently derive from outside of the UK?)

(What was your EBITDA in your most recently reported financial year?)

Recurring revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues do you consider as 'recurring', i.e. under periodic payment (typically monthly or quarterly)for a pre-contracted duration?)

(What was your IFRS EBIT/operting profit in your most recently reported financial year?)

Pre-tax profit *
(What was your IFRS pre-tax profit in your most recently reported financial year?)

Net profit *
(What was your IFRS net profit in your most recently reported financial year?)

Net debt *
(What was the level of net debt on your most recently reported balance sheet?)


Obstacles to growth *
(What are the main obstacles to doubling your revenues in the next 12-24 months (please select up to THREE)? )

(If Other, please explain)


First name *

Surname *

Position/Title *

Contact phone number *

Contact email address *

Source *
(How did you hear about the TechMarketView Great British Scaleup Programme?)

Other source of infotmation

PLEASE PRESS GREEN 'SUBMIT FORM' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by TechMarketView and official partners and sponsors to assist in the selection of applicants to participate in the Great British Scaleup programme. TechMarketView and official partners and sponsors may also contact applicant companies to apprise them of their respective products and services. Information will not be passed to other third party organisations without permission from the applicant company.