
Meet Assuria - Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in Assuria.

We are holding a series of 30-minute, one-on-one sessions with Assuria Founder and CEO, Terry Pudwell.

Please leave your details below and indicate which dates and times suit you best.

Registrations close on Friday 19th March and we will get back to you promptly to confirm your session slot.

You should receive a confirmation email if your registration form has been successfully received. If you do not get a confirmation email, please notify

This form is most easily completed on a laptop though will also work with small form-factor devices. On laptops, response boxes with a little triangle in the bottom right can be expanded to whatever size you need by clicking and dragging on the triangle. You can then insert multiple lines of text. Response boxes without a triangle are single line, for short amounts of text only.
For the purposes of GDPR, details of TechMarketView's privacy policy can be found here.
(Please click on at least three dates and times that suit you best (more is fine). The meeting will not exceed 30 minutes. We will advise you promptly if your preferred dates have already been taken.)

Company name *
(Registered company name)

First name *

Surname *

Position/Title *

Contact phone number *

Contact email address *

Company website address *

Familiarity with Cybersecurity *
(Which of the following best describes the level of knowledge, capability and experience of cybersecurity in your business? Please use the follow-on question if you need to explain further)

Familiarity with Cybersecurity (explanation)
(Please add explanation for the prior question if needed)

Questions or comments?
(Please feel free to ask any questions or add any comments)

Source *
(How did you hear about the TechMarketView 'Meet Assuria' programme?)

Source (Other)
(Please explain if you replied 'Other')

PLEASE PRESS THE GREEN 'SUBMIT' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by authorised TechMarketView and Assuria personnel in relation to the Meet Assuria programme. Registrant information will not be passed to third party organisations without your permission but may be used to advise you of other services offered by TechMarketView or Assuria unless you specifically inform us otherwise.