
UK Enterprise Software Supplier Ranking 2021

This report contains the Top 20 Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for the UK Enterprise Software market​. It is part of a series of reports assessing market and supplier performance that include Enterprise Software Market Trends & Forecasts and Supplier Prospects reports, due for publication later in 2021.

The COVID response unequivocally demonstrated - and elevated - the value of software, when it was apparent that software could go where people could not, affirming its critical role in enabling many businesses to continue functioning. The report shows how performance varied across the Top 20 software suppliers and highlights the factors impacting the market during 2021 and beyond.

Revenues presented in this report are based on TechMarketView's own estimates, following analysis of annual performance for each company for financial year ending between 1st April 2020 to 31 March 2021. It also includes revenue estimates for some of the highest-ranking supplier who report after March 2021.

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