
UK SITS Consulting Supplier Rankings 2022

This report contains the Top 20 Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for the UK SITS Consulting market. It is part of a series of reports assessing market and supplier performance that include SITS Consulting Market Trends & Forecasts and Supplier Prospects reports, due for publication later in 2022.

At a headline level, the Top 20 UK SITS Consulting suppliers in aggregate grew at over 20% yoy in 2021. Stripping out the impact of acquisitions, however, this community saw their combined revenues rise broadly in line with the improvement in demand for the sector as a whole.  As is always the case, nonetheless, there were both big winners and significant losers in the battle for market share in this arena last year. The report both details the variations in performance across the Top 20 Consulting suppliers and highlights the factors impacting the market during 2022 and beyond.

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