
Totally Sust #2: AI in nature - biodiversity surveillance and zoonoses prediction [PODCAST EDIT]

The second episode in TechMarketView's Totally Sust podcast series features an interview with Andy Wallace, Head of Client Innovation for Atos UK&I. Andy is one of Atos’s project leads on the company's partnership with WWF and here subscribers to SustainabilityViews can hear the full version of his conversation with the research stream's lead analyst Craig Wentworth about two fascinating nature management projects that leverage AI (amongst other technologies): one around the surveillance of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs); and another looking to predict and prevent zoonoses (diseases that jump the species barrier).

To understand more about how our new SustainabilityViews research stream can help your organisation understand its sustainability obligations, obstacles, and opportunities, please contact Deb Seth.

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