
Capita Scaling Partner Application Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Capita Scaling Partner.

Please complete this application form by 6pm FRIDAY 24th FEBRUARY 2023. After we receive your application we may wish to contact you for further information.

To be eligible to apply you should meet ALL of the following criteria:

  1. B2B digital solution: You should have an innovative B2B digital solution that can facilitate the transformation and automation of the UK public sector.
  2. UK focus: Your company should have a strong focus on the UK market.
  3. Established use cases: Your solution should be at the MVP stage & demonstrate an established use case with one corporate client.
  4. Strong desire to grow: You should have annualised recurring revenue between £150k-£2m and be ready to accelerate growth.
  5. Privately held: You must not be publicly listed or a subsidiary of a larger enterprise (but you may have external investors/shareholders).

Further information, along with FAQs, can be found at


  • This form is most easily completed on a laptop/desktop computer though will also work with mobile devices.
  • Please note that response boxes with a little triangle in the bottom right can be expanded to whatever size you need by clicking and dragging on the triangle. You can then insert multiple lines of text.
  • Response boxes without a triangle are single line, for short amounts of text only.
  • You will receive a confirmation email if your application has been successfully received. Please notify if you do not receive this confirmation.
  • Your email confirmation will NOT contain a copy of your application. If you would like to keep a record, please print or save in your browser BEFORE submitting.

Should your company be selected to participate, it is a condition of acceptance that the Founder and/or CEO/MD/CXO attend the pitch day at Capita's HQ in London (he/she may be accompanied by other members of the team).

For any further information please contact

For the purposes of GDPR, details of our privacy policy can be found here.


Company name *
(As registered at Companies House (and trading name if different))

Company Number *
(As registered at Companies House)

Website address *

Company description *
(Describe your company IN ONE SENTENCE)

Number of employees *
(How many people currently work for your company (full-time equivalents)? )

Revenues *
(What were your revenues for your most recently completed financial year?)

Recurring revenues *
(What proportion of your revenues do you deem as 'recurring' e.g. on a subscription basis or other contracted basis?)

Company control *
(Which of the following options best describes ownership of your company?)

Company control (explanation)
(Please add any explanation if needed)

Funding status *
(Which of the following best describes your company's funding status? Please select all applicable.)

Funding details
(Please note dates and amounts raised if you have received any external funding other than employees/management)


Problem addressed *
(BRIEFLY describe the problem your solution is solving)

Solution approach *
(BRIEFLY describe how your solution is solving the problem)

Intellectual property *
(What proportion of your solution is your own intellectual property?)

Client wish list *
(Who would you put at the top of your client wish list? List the one you'd most like to be introduced to and BRIEFLY explain why)

Reference client *
(BRIEFLY describe your best client case study and indicate the ROI if known)

Average contract value *
(What is the average contract value for your solution?)


Partnership rationale *
(BRIEFLY describe in what way you think a partnership with Capita Scaling Partner could benefit you)

Obstacles to growth *
(What are the main obstacles to doubling your revenues in the next 12-24 months? Please select up to five. You can use the next question to highlight the real 'showstopper' obstacle if one stands out)

Obstacle to growth (Other)
(If Other, please explain and/or note which obstacle is the real 'showstopper')

Ambition *
(BRIEFLY describe how you'd like your company to be viewed in 2026)


First name *

Surname *

Position/Title *
(It's strongly recommended that this application form is completed by the company founder or other CXO)

Contact phone number *

Contact email address *

Source *
(How did you hear about this partnership opportunity?)

Source (Other)
(How did you hear about this partnership opportunity if not from one of the sources above)

Further CSP insights?
(Please tick this box if you are happy for Capita Scaling Partner to send you useful industry insights and growth advice on a monthly basis)

TechMarketView UKHotViews
(Please tick this box if you would like to receive TechMarketView's FREE daily UKHotViews email. It's all about UK tech and beyond!)

PLEASE PRESS THE GREEN 'SUBMIT' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by authorised TechMarketView and Capita personnel with a specific need to know to assist in the assessment of applicants. Applicant information will not be passed to third party organisations without permission from the applicant company.