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Registrations close: Friday 19th March 2021
Meet Assuria sessions: w/b 22nd March 2021
Programme now closed. Contact Anthony Miller for further information
TechMarketView is organising a series of 30-minute, one-to-one sessions with Terry Pudwell, founder and CEO of Reading-based cybersecurity software specialist Assuria, for companies interested in adding cybersecurity managed services to their solution set.
Terry would like to explain how Assuria can help you set yourself up as a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) with your own Security Operations Centre (SOC) so you can offer industrial strength threat monitoring, detection and response services to your own clients under your own brand, at your own service levels and at your own price points.
You may not know this, but Assuria’s cybersecurity monitoring software is being used by over 1,400 commercial organisations, government institutions and Security Operations Centres worldwide, from SMEs to large enterprises, in almost every business sector. Assuria is also an accredited provider on the UK Government Digital Marketplace.
Using their tried-and-tested ‘SOC-in-a Box’ platform, Assuria will help you get up and running and generating revenue in as little as a few weeks. Assuria provides the complete security monitoring solution and a full SOC platform, which can run on-premise or in the Cloud, along with extensive business management tools, training and ongoing support.
You can start small, serving a handful of clients, with a very affordable investment and rapid return. Then you can scale up at your own pace as your client base – and profit – grows.
Whether you are already providing cybersecurity solutions or services or thinking of moving into the cybersecurity space for the first time, Assuria can get you there quickly and cost effectively.
Find out how in a one-to-one 30-minute online meeting with Assuria Founder and CEO Terry Pudwell. Just click on the link below to book your slot at a date and time that suits you best.
Meeting slots are available Tuesday 23rd – Thursday 25th March and registrations close at 6pm this Friday, 19th March.
There’s more information about Assuria on their website or contact Anthony Miller (
Developed entirely in-house in the UK, for over 15 years Assuria has provided trusted cybersecurity software solutions that power commercial Security Operations Centres (SOCs), IT Protective Monitoring services and internal SIEM services. Our software underpins one of the world’s largest SOCs and our technology is used in demanding, highly classified government, defence and commercial environments spanning the UK, US, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Japan and Hong Kong. Assuria solutions meet the cybersecurity needs of organisations from SMEs to large enterprises in almost every business sector. Join us and grow!
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