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Wednesday 31 August 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* Enterprise Software Market Trends & Forecasts 2022

Enterprise Software Market Trends and Forecasts 2022 report coverTechMarketView’s 2022 release of the Enterprise Software Market Trends & Forecasts report is now available. 

In this report, eligible TechMarketView subscribers will find our analysis of the performance of the UK Enterprise Software market in 2021 when the sector tipped into double digit percentage growth. You’ll also see our latest data on market size and growth forecasts out to 2025 which include the likely impacts of the latest disruptive events. 

‘Living with COVID’, macroeconomic challenges, geopolitical disruption, Brexit and the drive towards sustainability continue to drive buy-side investment in Enterprise Software. Heightened investment supports the ongoing digital transformation programmes that are key to dealing with the challenges of the period but there has been a meaningful shift as serial and overlapping disruptive changes sparked a switch from reactive to proactive modes of operation by enterprises.

Looking forward, the Enterprise Software market will be dominated by the three ‘Cs’ of Cloud, Continuity and Courage as enterprises commit to build resiliency. While software plays a critical part in resiliency, the contribution of the human workforce should not be underestimated when it comes to helping organisations flex through challenging times.

This report is the companion to Enterprise Software Suppliers Rankings 2022, which highlights how the leading suppliers to the UK market have performed. 

Eligible TechMarketViews subscribers can download Enterprise Software Market Trends & Forecasts 2022 today.

If you are not a subscriber to our services and would like to find out more, please contact Deb Seth

Posted by: Angela Eager at 16:07

Tags: software   trends   forecasts   resilience  

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