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Tuesday 05 March 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* The UK Customer Experience Market 2023 - 2026

The UK Customer Experience Market 2023 – 2026 report is now available to download. The document contains TMV’s estimates of the sizes and growth rates of the UK CX Software and IT Services (SITS) market and its primary segments, along with insights into the key trends shaping demand. It also identifies the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for suppliers seeking to prosper in this rapidly evolving space.

Having seen sales surge by almost 37% between 2019 and 2022, demand for CX SITS has cooled significantly in recent times. While investments in CX initiatives have held up comparatively well, they have not been immune to increasingly cautious buyer sentiments.Cover Decision cycles in this space have extended, the scopes of committed expenditure have been trimmed and vendor consolidation has increased.

The medium-term prospects for CX SITS, however, are very healthy. The corporate imperatives which it addresses remain high on C-Suite agendas. CX is also set to attract a substantial volume of the burgeoning expenditure on Generative AI. A focus on value and value assurance, however, now dominates CX buying criteria. Enterprise objectives for initiatives in this arena are, and are likely to remain for the foreseeable future, driven more by cost control and efficiency than revenue generation.

If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews click here to download The UK Customer Experience Market 2023 - 2026 report. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by: Duncan Aitchison at 08:26

Tags: forecasts   newresearch   customer+experience   market trends  

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