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Friday 24 January 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030

National Policing Digital Strategy coverThe National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030 was launched at this week’s Police ICT Summit 2020. The strategy was co-authored by the Police ICT Company and National Police Technology Council and builds upon Policing Vision 2025 that was published in 2016.

The strategy document says progress has been made in recent years but that more needs to be done. It presents five key digital ambitions for policing:

  1. Seamless citizen experience: giving the public more choice in how they engage with the police.
  2. Addressing harm: using digital technologies and behaviours to identify the risk of harm and protect the vulnerable.
  3. Enabling officers and staff: investing in people, from leadership through to the front-line, to ensure they are equipped with the right capabilities.
  4. Embedding a whole public system approach: fostering a philosophy of openness and deepen collaboration with partners to jointly design and tackle public safety issues.
  5. Empowering the private sector: strengthening the relationship policing has with the private sector and fostering a vibrant PoliceTech landscape.

The document is well timed, coming in the same week the Government announced the biggest increase in funding for the police system in a decade. The settlement includes the £750m announced by the Chancellor in last year’s Spending Round to recruit 6,000 of the 20,000 additional police officers pledged by the Government by the end of March 2021 (see Spending Round 2019: turning the page on austerity?).

UKHotViews Premium logoAs almost every traditional crime now has a digital element to it, both in terms of how it was committed and how the police investigate it, getting the right strategy in place for digital, data and technology will be essential for the future of policing. UKHotViews Premium and research subscribers can read more about the National Policing Digital Strategy here.

For more information about TechMarketView's subscription services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by: Dale Peters at 09:15

Tags: strategy   police   government   digital   data  

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