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Tuesday 29 November 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* Building AI-aided Workforce Resilience

Building AI-aided Workforce Resilience report cover imageThe huge knock-on impact of recent – hard to predict – events has placed resilience firmly in the spotlight. We have seen pressure on operations, on growth, on profit margins, on productivity, and on the ability to innovate. Continual change imposed by rapid technological advances, changing business models and workforce requirements over staggeringly short timescales has also been telling. 

With organisations reliant on people to deliver their products and services, workforce resilience is an foundation component of a successful business. TechMarketView partnered with Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI to take a deep dive into the role of AI in workforce resilience.

Building AI-aided Workforce Resilience” is now available to download.

Technology is a critical workforce resilience building block, providing the digital infrastructure and connecting business systems, processes and data sources. The family of data intensive technologies - data science, automation and AI/ML - has a high impact role in delivering the intelligence-based capabilities organisations and workforces need to prepare for, sense and respond to disruption. It is embedded into workforce resilience technology that falls into two categories: 

·       employee-centred - workforce empowerment and enablement;

·       employer-centred - workforce attraction, retention, and optimisation. 

Serving the needs of different user communities, both are required to build workforce resilience. 

Surrey Institute for People-centered AIThe report looks at how AI/ML is moving towards a position where it is contributing to workforce resilience by assisting, augmenting and protecting human workers. Yet this shift can only happen if human autonomy and oversight is recognised and prioritised, which is part of the bigger picture of humanising and explainable technology. The report also examines current practices and building blocks, and some of the off-the-shelf solutions available to support the drive towards AI-aided workforce resilience. 

Download this eagerly awaited report here. If you are not a TechMarketView subscriber and would like information about how to access the report and our other research and services, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by: Angela Eager at 23:59

Tags: skills   AI   machinelearning   startups   resilience   workforce  

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