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Monday 24 April 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* Cybersecurity breaches survey 2023: A deeper dive

Last week I covered the release of the latest Cybersecurity breaches survey 2023 by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology – See here. The survey gave us some interesting insights into the current actions and priorities from UK organisations surrounding cybersecurity.

Data revealed overall lower volumes of cyber breaches and attacks over the past 12 months, though the figures were likely skewed by underreporting, mainly from micro and small organisations. But the survey goes into greater detail on a range of other topics, which we will explore further in this UKHotViews extra article, available for all TechMarketView subscribers.

In the article you will find a summary and analysis of key findings from the survey across areas such as; supply chain risk, board engagement, incident response plans, cyber training, security outsourcing and accreditations.

TechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can read the full analysis Cybersecurity breaches survey 2023: A deeper dive here.

If you aren't a subscriber – or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription – please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by: Simon Baxter at 08:55

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