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Wednesday 09 June 2021

*NEW RESEARCH* Digital Marketplace Review 2020-21

Digital Marketplace ImageTechMarketView’s Digital Marketplace Review 2020-21 research reveals spend through the two Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks: G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes & Specialists (DOS) was up 29% to £3.2bn, with G-Cloud accounting for 72% and DOS the remaining 28%. Spend on G-Cloud was up 40% year-on-year to £2.4bn, but the performance of the DOS framework was more subdued—up 8% to £895m.

The impact of the pandemic on spending is clear to see, with Health spend across both frameworks up 97% year-on-year to £542.7m (2019-20: £275.9m). The largest increases in spend were seen at NHS Digital and the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC). This performance was driven by G-Cloud spend, where Health spending was up by 135% to £427.2m.

The rate of growth in spend with SMEs outpaced that of large companies, but large companies still attracted the majority of spend, accounting for 64% by value. Three companies (Kainos, Capgemini and Deloitte) broke the £100m barrier for Digital Marketplace income during the year.

It’s hard to overestimate the impact the pandemic had on the procurement of digital services and solutions in the public sector. In this report we take a closer look at the associated trends and explore who the leading suppliers and buyers were in the Digital Marketplace in 2020-21.

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Posted by: Dale Peters at 08:53

Tags: research   g-cloud   dos   digital+marketplace  

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