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Monday 01 August 2022

*NEW RESEARCH* UK Central Government SITS Suppliers Trends & Forecasts

Report Cover imageTechMarketView’s UK Central Government Software and IT Services (SITS) Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts report is now available. It is the first of six subsector reports that will follow our UK Public Sector Software and IT Services Suppliers Trends, and Forecasts report, which was published last week (see here). It will be followed in the coming weeks by subsector reports for the other public sector subsectors as defined by TechMarketView: local government, health, education, police, and defence.

In this report you will find our analysis of the performance of the UK central government market in 2021, a year in which the market reached double-digit percentage growth. We then look at the years ahead (2022-2025) to determine the likely impact of recent developments, including the plan to heavily cut the number of civil servants in Whitehall.

The report also contains an update to our UK central government SITS Top 20 supplier rankings, with our analysis of what is driving each player’s performance, as well an insight into those suppliers that are threatening to unseat the leading players, and our pick of the ‘ones to watch’, i.e., companies that look to be making some interesting moves to take a share of Whitehall spend.

Later in the year, we will publish an in-depth analysis if the trends impacting the central government SITS market and the opportunities that we think are set to transpire for suppliers working in the subsector.

PublicSectorViews suppliers can find out the size of the UK central government SITS market, its future growth, and who the leading suppliers are by downloading Central Government Software and IT Services Suppliers, Trends and Forecasts 2022-25 today. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by: Georgina O'Toole at 09:15

Tags: trends   forecasts   rankings   suppliers   public+sector   central+government  

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