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Monday 03 July 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* Trustmarque relaunches: “Delivering the value of technology”

TrustNew Trustmarque logo in green and purple July 2023 launchmarque is piquing our interest. We have watched its interesting journey—sitting under a variety of umbrellas over the last few years (within Liberata from 2014-2016, and then within Capita from 2016-2022). Most recently, its journey has involved investors, One Equity Partners (OEP), extracting it from Capita in April 2022 (see here), the subsequent acquisition of Livingstone Group in February 2023 (see here), and the appointment of a new CEO, Simon Williams, in March 2023 (see here).

Having known Simon for several years, we are not surprised that he has started shaking things up. Naturally, much of his attention since joining has been on successfully integrating Livingstone into the fold. But that hasn’t stopped him—and his team—making some fundamental decisions about the company’s brand, image and associated strategy under its new ownership.

Katherine Murphy launching the company's new brand at the Fusion ConferenceToday’s Trustmarque relaunch (see video here) is the culmination of months of effort by the Trustmarque team, latterly under Simon’s leadership (at which point the project was fast-tracked). We were delighted that Simon invited us to a sneak preview of the fresh look Trustmarque at its Fusion conference in mid-June. It had the strapline ‘Accelerate Together.’ Six hundred Trustmarque employees (150 from the acquisition of Livingstone) gathered to hear how Simon and his team (including Katherine Murphy, Trustmarque’s Head of Marketing, Brand & Comms, pictured) propose taking a disparate and diluted proposition, confused by Trustmarque’s complex history, and turning it into something clear, compelling, differentiated, and marketable. They know that only by doing this will it be possible to compete effectively, and grow the business, within a crowded supplier landscape.

TechMarketView subscribers can read more about Trustmarque's relaunch, it strategy, and its growth ambitions in UKHotViewsExtra: Trustmarque  relaunches: “Delivering the value of technology”

If you are not yet a subscriber—or you are unsure if your company has a corporate subscription—please contact Deb Seth to find out how to access this analysis and lots of other valuable content. 

Posted by: Georgina O'Toole at 09:14

Tags: brand   reseller   VAR   branding   IT+services   value  

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