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Friday 25 August 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* UK Cybersecurity: Suppliers, Trends, And Forecasts 2022-26

UK CybersecurityTechMarketView’s new UK Cybersecurity: Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts report is now available for download by subscribers.

The report provides an overview of the UK Cybersecurity market size in 2022, an analysis of the market shaping trends, our forecast for how the market will perform over the 2023-26 period, and who the key suppliers are in the market.

In 2022/23 the market has been driven by the after effects of the pandemic that saw rapid investment in security tools, along with organisations looking to respond to an evolving threat landscape, especially data exfiltration and threats to critical national infrastructure. Looking ahead we forecast that UK spending on cybersecurity will continue to grow throughout the 2023-26 period, but growth will be more subdued than we saw in the past few years. A number of factors will influence growth including the investment in proactive security measures and Artificial intelligence, as well as the growth in the number of Internet of Things assets and an increasing focus on Quantum security.

The report also contains an update to our UK Cybersecurity Top 20 supplier rankings, which also includes a separate breakout of the Top 15 UK Cybersecurity services providers. This year we have also spotlight several suppliers, where we take a deeper dive into performance and strategic developments.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's TechSectorViews research stream can download the research - UK Cybersecurity: Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts – now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to find out how to gain access to this research and much more besides, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by: Simon Baxter at 09:34

Tags: cybersecurity  

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