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Thursday 30 November 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* Offsetting carbon, and understanding sustainability sentiment, from TechMarketView Evening

TMVEEarlier in the Autumn, we held our annual TechMarketView Evening event at RIBA in London (see Thanks for the buzz at TechMarketView Evening!). Those of you who joined us in person will know that we pledged to offset the greenhouse emissions from the event (‘Sustainability’ was the topic of the fireside chat segment that evening).

We ran a survey on the night, in part to find out (broadly speaking) where people travelled into London from – and by what means of transport – so we could offset the carbon; but also to ask about environmental sustainability in people’s organisations.

In our UKHotViewsExtra – Offsetting carbon, and understanding sustainability sentiment, from TechMarketView Evening, subscribers to TechMarketView research services can learn more about key points to consider when looking to offset unabated carbon emissions as a business, and also some of the other challenges which organisations are experiencing on their decarbonisation journeys.

If you are a TechMarketView subscriber you can access the research now: UKHotViewsExtra – Offsetting carbon, and understanding sustainability sentiment, from TechMarketView Evening. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by: Craig Wentworth at 08:39

Tags: survey   event   carbon accounting   carbon offsetting  

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