Friday 22 September 2023

Thanks for the buzz at TechMarketView Evening!

A big, big thank you to all of you who braved the rainstorms and terrible trains to join us last night at our ninth TechMarketView Evening!TMVE

We’ve had a tonne of really lovely feedback – apparently even the food was good! – suggesting the topic resonated with many of you.

Alongside Georgina O’Toole (Chief Analyst) and myself, our team of very talented analysts took to the stage – each exploring our research theme, Pursuing Productivity, from different angles. And providing another take on Pursuing Productivity were our special panellist guests Paula Sussex, CEO OneID, and Ann Walker, Delivery Director, DDaT, Home Office.

We also enjoyed a quick dip into some of our brand new research on sustainability: the TechMarketView Sustainability Technology Activity Index.TMVe

And finally, a very special thank you to our wonderful sponsors. Abhishek Singh, President UK&I and Europe, at premium sponsor Mastek, joined us on stage to give his own perspective on the challenges of Pursuing Productivity.

Many, many thanks also to Aqilla and Grayce for sponsoring the evening and to our academic & research partner, the University of Surrey (Surrey Institute for people-centred Artificial Intelligence). The evening was expertly managed by our event partners, tx2events.

Now time for another coffee and to say that we hope to see you all next time!

Posted by Kate Hanaghan at '09:30'

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