Wednesday 30 October 2013

ESAS Supplier Landscape 2013/14 report launched

LofoA key message from the new ESAS 2013/14 Supplier Landscape report is that the fundamentals of the market – what to supply, how to supply it, and who should supply it - are under scrutiny.

Leadership positions are up for grabs in the high growth digital agenda technology areas of cloud, big data/analytics, mobile and social/collaboration. Established providers in both the traditional enterprise software and application services sectors are moving in on them but there are a host of up-and-coming suppliers standing in their way and determined to intercept the flow of revenue. This highlights one of the other major changes in the ESAS market – that it is starting to split along traditional vs. modern technology and supplier lines rather than enterprise software vs. application services. It is attitude as much as technology and services offerings, which separates the ‘new’ from the ‘old’.     

Understanding these new dynamics is critical because the ESAS market is locked into a slow growth mode. The overall UK ESAS market, which we estimated at £21.8bn in 2012, is only expected to grow to £22bn in 2013. During 2012 we estimate that aggregate revenue growth over the Top 20 suppliers was just 1%.

Eligible TechMarketView ESASViews subscribers can find out more about these and other shifts in the ESAS supplier landscape here. If you haven’t signed up for our services, contact Deborah Seth who will gladly guide you through the process.   

Posted by Angela Eager at '21:14' - Tagged: software   applications