Thursday 29 June 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* AWS becomes largest player in TechMarketView Rankings

Out today is TechMarketView’s annual and unique take on the suppliers that serve the UK Software and IT Services market. rank

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023, available only to members of our Foundation Service research programme, shows that based on financial data for the last full financial year, we have a new player in the number one position: Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The hyperscaler last year held the number two spot behind TCS, which continued to perform well over the period analysed. However, high double-digit performances from AWS and Accenture alike, mean the Top 3 have been ‘shuffled’.

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023 is not just about the largest players in the market. It ‘slices and dices’ supplier data to understand the performance of Top 60 largest players, and takes in many segments of the market. In total, analysts have analysed hundreds of companies.

So who has done well and why? Who is there to be beaten? And who has had a stinker of a year?

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023 reflects months of work by our analysts, who have undertaken many conversations with company leaders, and raked through 10Ks, Company House reports, and other account filings to create estimates and analysis that you simply will not find anywhere else.

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2023 is the sister report to Market Trends and Forecasts 2023. Our Foundation Service clients can read them together to get an unparalleled multi-dimensional view of the UK Software and IT Services scene as it looks today and how it is forecast to evolve in the coming years.

If you would like access to the Foundation Service programme, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:00' - Tagged: rankings  

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