Thursday 02 January 2014

New ESAS Research: Visual Data Discovery

GraphicWe are familiar with the concepts of ‘cloud first’ and ‘mobile first’, now ‘visual first’ is emerging. This describes the new wave of BI and analytics tools from the likes of QlikTech, Tableau and Tibco’s Spotfire that aim to put ad hoc data query and analysis directly into the hands of business users in a form that is easy to use and produces output that can be readily understood and interacted with. These tools address some of the barriers to mainstream BI and analytics adoption (e.g. cost, usability, static reports, the need for expert skills) but they also have the potential to prise open emerging markets such as the big data analytics market which needs a catalyst to accelerate movement.

Although revenue from visual data discovery is low, we see this as an important technology from a strategic perspective, with opportunities for ESAS providers to grow revenue streams by establishing more touch points within organisations and playing to businesses innovation agenda’s around the need to make more use of existing data. It also has the potential to open up the mid-market, which has a desire to invest in BI and analytics but limited resources. Subscribers to the ESASViews research stream can read our thoughts on this market in Visual Data Discovery: cracking the ‘pervasive insight’ nut here. Or you can contact Deborah Seth to find out how to subscribe.

Posted by Angela Eager at '09:56' - Tagged: software   analytics