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Entries open: 18th January 2021
Entries close: 12th February 2021
Pitch sessions: Week commencing 15th March 2021
Entries for this programme have now closed. Click here to read about the shortlisted candiates. .
We will be running virtual pitch sessions during week beginning 15th March 2021 to identify companies that are the best fit for a strategic partnership with InterSystems.
Entries are now closed.
Application form:
Full terms & conditions are available below or contact TechMarketView Managing Partner Anthony Miller
More so than ever before, Financial Services organisations need to reduce operational costs to remain competitive yet improve service quality. Cloud and hybrid computing environments will be key to enhancing focus on real-time data and processes while managing the burden of regulatory pressures. InterSystems wants to enhance its solutions to address these and other ‘pain points’ facing the financial services industry.
You must be an established solutions provider to the financial services sector headquartered in the UK or the Republic of Ireland, and ideally serving global markets.
You are privately held though you may have external investors. You would likely have 20-50 employees and be generating revenues of £1m-£2m p.a. or can see a way to get there.
Needless to say, you must not be a subsidiary of, or backed by, a competitor to InterSystems.
Applications Solutions Partner
An independent software vendor that sells applications or solutions built with InterSystems technology to financial services organisations.
Technology Alliance Partner
A hybrid cloud professional and managed service organisation that delivers a solution to financial services customers based on InterSystems technology. This could also include integration or implementation services.
By understanding InterSystems’ culture and learning our product value propositions and differentiators and going through the partner accreditation program, the partner would then build their own application on InterSystems technology and deliver this solution to the end customer.
If you are the Founder or CEO/MD of a business meeting these criteria and are looking for accelerated growth in your regional market and potentially beyond, then fill in the application form at ISUKTIPP2021appform by close of business on Friday 12th February 2021.
Established in 1978, InterSystems is the leading provider of data technology for extremely critical data in the healthcare, finance, and manufacturing and supply chain sectors. Its cloud-first data platforms solve scalability, interoperability, speed, and problems for large organizations around the globe. InterSystems is committed to excellence through its award-winning, 24×7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 25 offices worldwide. For more information, please visit
TechMarketView is the most influential boutique analyst & advisory firm in the UK. Trusted by tech suppliers and tech users as they navigate change, TechMarketView analysts are known for robust analysis of suppliers and disruptive market trends, blending UK depth with forward-looking insight. Launched in 2018, the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme (TIPP) is helping some of the UK’s leading enterprise software & IT services companies find innovative start-ups and scaleups as potential partners. For more information visit or email us at
Download flyer
Established in 1978, InterSystems is the leading provider of data technology for extremely critical data in the healthcare, finance, government and manufacturing sectors. Its cloud-first data platforms solve scalability, interoperability, speed, and problems for large organizations around the globe. InterSystems is committed to excellence through its award-winning, 24×7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 25 offices worldwide.
Leading financial services firms already rely on InterSystems technologies to streamline critical process, meet increasingly stringent SLAs with lower TCO, better performance, mission-critical reliability and with a simpler architecture than competing products. InterSystems are now looking to increase its partnership ecosystem within Fintech organisations to create and support new customer relationships and to position itself as an innovator and disruptor within the sector.
You must be an established solutions provider to the financial services sector headquartered in the UK or the Republic of Ireland, ideally serving global markets, and looking to increase growth. Your solution should address a business problem/use case within the Financial Services sector. Your solution must be operational in at least one client whom InterSystems may wish to contact for a reference.
You must be an established solutions provider headquartered in the UK or the Republic of Ireland serving the financial services sector. If you also serve other markets, so much the better.
You would likely have 20 to 50 employees and be generating revenues of some £1m to 2m p.a. However, if you are close to either of these criteria and think your company otherwise fits the bill, then please apply. The key thing is, you must already have ‘real’ customers generating ‘real’ revenues.
You should also be privately held (i.e. not listed on any public stock exchange), though you may have external investors. And needless to say, you must not be a subsidiary of, or backed by, a competitor to InterSystems.
In financial services, fintech, retail & commercial banking and insurance, InterSystems is helping the world’s most successful financial institutions meet their toughest challenges. InterSystems IRIS is powering a wide range mission-critical, high-throughput applications throughout the front-, middle-, and back-office for the top banks worldwide. InterSystems will help you build your pipeline, using its global scale to open up opportunities for your business with large clients.
You need to fill in and submit the application on our website here. Your application must be received by close of business Friday 12th February 2021. InterSystems may contact you after you have submitted your application if they need further information. In any event, we will advise you of the status of your application by Friday 26th February 2021. Pitch sessions will be held online during week beginning 15th March 2021. There is no fee required to apply for or participate in a pitch session.
If you are selected for a pitch session, you will be assigned a one-hour slot to present and discuss your business and solution to an executive team from InterSystems and analysts from TechMarketView. The session is interactive and we will give you preliminary feedback at the end. The pitch session will be conducted through Microsoft Teams. You will be asked to submit a short company presentation one week before the pitch session so that we can make best use of your time with us.
It is a condition of acceptance that the Founder/CEO/MD of your business should participate along with at least one other member of the executive management team and/or key personnel, up to a maximum of three people.
InterSystems will advise candidates whether or not they wish to take partnership discussions any further within two weeks of the pitch session.
All information you provide will be kept in strict confidence and will only be made available to selected personnel within TechMarketView and InterSystems, and its authorised partners with a need to know.
TechMarketView is the most influential boutique analyst & advisory firm in the UK. Trusted by tech suppliers and tech users as they navigate change, TechMarketView analysts are known for robust analysis of suppliers and disruptive market trends, blending UK depth with forward-looking insight. Launched in 2018, the TechMarketView Innovation Partner Programme (TIPP) is helping some of the world’s leading enterprise software & IT services companies like InterSystems find innovative UK tech companies as potential partners.
There is further information on the InterSystems website and in the downloadable flyer here. Or feel free to contact TechMarketView Managing Partner Anthony Miller by email or mobile +44 7796 958 859.
Speak to us today for further information about our Innovation Partner Programme.