
Market Trends & Forecasts 2024

TechMarketView's highly anticipated annual Market Trends & Forecasts report provides in-depth analysis of the UK Software and IT Services market is available now. Our analysts use TechMarketView’s carefully developed methodology, refined over many years. The team draws on extensive data points and interviews decision makers to decipher complex trends and provide clear guidance to clients.

In addition to a comprehensive overview of the current UK tech market landscape, the report will help you understand the intricacies of the UK software and IT services market.

Available now for Foundation Service clients - to access, please log in to your account.

Not a client yet? Get in touch to find out how you can access this research.


Georgina O’Toole, Chief Analyst said:Georgina OToole - Chief Analyst

The report is founded on months and months of DATA collection and analysis by the incredible TechMarketView analyst team; the painstaking work we do - involving detailed bottom-up revenue analysis of 100s of companies - to ensure we have a firm grip on the performance of the UK SITS market. It shines a light on the DEPTH of understanding across the team, the result of 100s of conversations across the industry, with both suppliers and end user organisations. And it highlights the fact our commitment to both DATA and DEPTH enables us to cut through the tech market hype and give a realistic picture of the true level of DISRUPTION taking place. We are proud to be able to deliver high quality analysis to our clients.

Supplier Rankings 2024

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2024 draws on 1000s of data inputs and 100s of research interviewsWant to understand exactly how Microsoft's been performing in the UK? How about leading GSIs, such as AccentureCapgemini, and CGI? Or the likes of TCSCognizantInfosys, and WiproWe have the answers!

However, UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2024 is not just about the largest players in the market. It ‘slices and dices’ supplier data to understand the performance of Top 60 largest players and takes in many segments of the market. In total, analysts have analysed hundreds of companies.

Available now for Foundation Service clients - to access, please log in to your account.

Not a client yet? Get in touch to find out how you can access this research.


Kate HanaghanKate Hanaghan, Chief Research Officer said:

This report reflects months of work by our analysts, who have undertaken many conversations with company leaders, raked through 10Ks, Company House reports, and other evidence to create estimates and analysis that you simply will not find anywhere else. The report it truly unique, used extensively by decision makers to help them build and validate their own strategies.

UK SITS Supplier Rankings 2024 is the sister report to Market Trends and Forecasts 2024. Our Foundation Service clients can read them together to get an unparalleled multi-dimensional view of the UK Software and IT Services scene as it looks today and how it is forecast to evolve in the coming years.

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