
Sustainability Technology Activity Index

Feed the Index! We’d love to hear about any environmental sustainability activities your organisation (supplier or end-user) is involved in. Please refer to the guidelines on our Sustainability Technology Activity Index Taxonomy webpage when completing your submission. Our focus is on the contributions a range of emerging and enabling technologies are making as essential tools for those working towards a more (environmentally) sustainable world. 

If you have any questions then please feel free to get in touch with us at By submitting the form you acknowledge that we may contact you to learn more about your company so that we can include you in our research, or occasionally to invite you to relevant events and programmes.

For the purposes of GDPR, details of our privacy policy can be found here.

Headline *
(Tell us your headline story e.g. Maxeon Solar Technologies Commences Supplier Sustainability Monitoring with STACS via ESGpedia.)

Description *
(Please outline your sustainability activity.)

Reference URL *
(Please provide a url link to provide more details.)

Date announced *
(Please enter the date the activity was first announced (dd/mm/year), or when some “milestone event” caused it to change state – e.g., pilot to production, significant new partners / customers added, etc.)

Country *
(Please select a Country from the list.)

Region *
(Please select the region.)

Use case activity *
(Please select all that apply. For descriptions/examples of these categories please visit our Sustainability Technology Activity Index Taxonomy webpage using the link above.)

Technologies used *
(Please select all technologies that apply.)

Suppliers *
(Please list all relevant suppliers, separated by a comma. If the name contains a comma please insert quote marks to indicate the full name e.g. "Truman, Knight and Watkins".)

Products *
(Please list all relevant products, separated by a comma. If the name contains a comma please insert quote marks to indicate the full name.)

End user organisations *
(Please list all relevant end user organisations, separated by a comma. If the name contains a comma please insert quote marks to indicate the full name.)


First name *

Surname *

Position/ Title *

Contact email address *

PLEASE PRESS THE GREEN 'SUBMIT' BUTTON WHEN COMPLETE. If you do not see a confirmation screen, please scroll up and check that all mandatory fields have been completed and then press SUBMIT again.

The information in this form will be used by authorised TechMarketView personnel to assist in their research. Applicant information will not be passed to third party organisations without permission from the applicant company.