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Wednesday 26 February 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Insurtech Innovation: "New Kids on the Block"

Insurtech Innovation: "New Kids on the Block" details a "Hot 10" of innovative, tech-driven, UK insurance startups.

In the context of TechMarketView's 2020 research theme of "Digital Chaos" it is the disruptive potential of these newcomers that is increasingly driving change within the insurance industry.


Just as technology and innovative business models brought major change to the UK insurance insurance industry in the 1990's, so a new breed of tech-enabled propositions is now having an increasingly significant impact.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's FinancialServicesViews research stream can download Insurtech Innovation: "New Kids on the Block"  now.

If you do not currently have access to this research, please contact Deb Seth for further information about TechMarketView’s subscription services.

Posted by: Jon C Davies at 07:00

Tags: insurance   insurTech  

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