Friday 28 March 2014

OffshoreViews - 2013, a year of mixed fortunes

In OffshoreViews 2013 Review we take a look at the financial performance of the leading India-centric IT services suppliers in the UK market during 2013 and ponder on their prospects.

Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download OffshoreViews here.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '18:05'

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Agilisys bags LB Westminster customer services deal

Agilisys logoFollowing on from the news that Serco had beaten Agilisys to the Lincolnshire County Council contract (see Serco beats Agilisys at Lincolnshire); today Agilisys is able to announce its own piece of good news. And based on its disappointment at Lincolnshire the team must be particularly pleased to be replacing Serco at Westminster City Council.

Agilisys will provide a 24/7 customer contact centre and back office customer service operation to the Council in a three year deal worth £3.7m (with the possibility of extending for another three years). The deal is set to save the Council £12m over three years.

Agilisys will work with the Council to implement a phased transition from July 2014; the current Serco contract expires in November 2014. Implementation will focus on enabling online transactions for services with the highest volume of call centre transactions first.

In UKHotViewsExtra, Georgina O’Toole considers the background of, and detail behind, the deal. Subscribers can read it here. Anyone else should contact Deb Seth to gain access.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '17:19' - Tagged: publicsector   localgovernment   contract   bpo   customerservice  

Tuesday 18 March 2014

TechMarketView Research Round-Up

TMV logoFollowing on from a hectic end to 2013, the team of analysts here at TechMarketView has been busy keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the UK SITS market. In case you’ve missed anything, here’s a round-up of the latest research:

New Reports

UK public sector SITS supplier landscape 2013-14

TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team reviews the recent fortunes of the key suppliers to the UK public sector software and IT services market. This report provides our views on the performance of the Top 20 suppliers (and other 'ones to watch') in 2013 and, more importantly, looks forward to what might happen in 2014 and beyond.

Cloud Services in the UK Financial Services Sector

FinancialServicesViews research director, Peter Roe, believes that the move to the wider use of Cloud Services will have a significant impact on the Financial Services sector over the coming year. His report is the first specifically directed at this phenomenon and examines the reasons why we expect the sector to accelerate its move to Cloud now.

How the leading Infrastructure Services players are fighting for their place in the cloud market

Kate Hanaghan, research director for InfrastructureViews, continues the cloud theme with her report on cloud services in the infrastructure space. This report examines the margin challenges for suppliers and assesses the cloud offerings and relative positions of the Top 10 infrastructure services suppliers in the UK.


CSC: Targeting central government        

Georgina O’Toole, research director for PublicSectorViews, met with CSC’s VP UK Public Sector, Chris Doutney, to learn more about CSC’s performance and prospects in the sector. Read more about how CSC is extending its reach into the rest of the public sector market.

What will Microsoft look like under Satya Nadella?

ESASViews research director, Angela Eager, comments on the appointment of Satya Nadella at Microsoft. Her report provides a view on what we can expect from Nadella and thoughts on how Microsoft could develop.

Serco rebuilding trust with UK Government - lessons for all Government suppliers

In BusinessProcessViews, research director John O’Brien provides insight into how 2014 is destined to be a pivotal year for BPO and support services giant Serco as it attempts to rebuild trust with UK Central Government.

Capturing the digital front office opportunity

Angela Eager profers two critical messages for established ESAS suppliers. Her report provides insight into how some of today’s leading ESAS providers are adapting to the digital challenge and the developments and directions all suppliers should be keeping tabs on.

Capita FY13: inconsistency under the covers

John O’Brien looks beyond the headlines of Capita's FY13 results to examine how the business is performing.


Agilisys automates with LBB Celaton

PublicSectorViews' Georgina O’Toole comments on the exciting news that one of our Little British Battlers (LBB’s) has formed a strategic partnership with Top 5 ranked supplier to the UK local government market, Agilisys.

CentraStage keeps punching above its weight

While PublicSectorViews research director, Tola Sargeant, reviews the progress of fellow LBB CentraStage, which is going from strength to strength.

Steria UK: SSCL significant contributor to FY14 growth

Back with PublicSectorViews, Georgina reports on how Steria's UK business really stole the show in the company’s FY13 results.

Telecity's "gradual" UK improvement

And finally Kate Hanaghan drills down into Telecity's figures in this in-depth review.

If you’re not yet a fully paid-up TechMarketView subscription client and you can’t resist temptation any longer, email Deborah Seth for details of our 2014 subscription packages.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '00:10'

Thursday 06 March 2014

NEW RESEARCH: Capita FY13 inconsistency under the covers

lWe’ve now been through the detail of Capita’s FY13 results. Looking at the headlines you’d be forgiven for thinking all is going swimmingly, with 15% topline growth, 8% organic growth, and double-digit margins (see Capita hits 8% organic growth).

However, looking under the covers points to inconsistency across Capita's various divisions. Some areas like justice and secure services and customer management are growing at a rapid rate thanks to recent big wins and acquisition activity. Meanwhile, other others divisions, like IT services, insurance & benefits and health & wellbeing are either displaying sluggish growth, or even declines. At the same time, group margins continue to be put under pressure.

This highlights real 'diversity of performance' within Capita's business - a growing theme across the broader UK SITS supplier landscape.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's Foundation Service and BusinessProcessViews research stream can read the full analysis of the performance and prospects for the UK's leading BPS supplier here.

Posted by John O'Brien at '07:30' - Tagged: publicsector   bpo   bps  

Wednesday 05 March 2014

NEW REPORT: Infrastructure Services firms: Fighting for their place in the Cloud market

Today we launch a new report for subscribers to our very popular InfrastructureViews research stream. “How the leading Infrastructure Services players are fighting for their place in the cloud market” is authored by Kate Hanaghan, Research Director for the stream.infra

Many areas of the traditional IT services market are either declining or growing very slowly. Meanwhile, cloud services are growing double digits. The as-a-service model is creating opportunities for enterprise and government buyers to re-think how they buy infrastructure services and from whom. However, even in two years’ time, we estimate that the total cloud market will still only account for 14% of the total Software and IT Services (SITS) market. For suppliers, that means a large slice of their revenue stream will still be tied up in slow-growing (or declining) infrastructure services contracts. At the same time, they must create new offerings, redefine their positioning and adapt to a different type of commercial model.

This report looks at how the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) market is shaping up, and the role of private cloud and orchestration. It also examines the margin challenges for suppliers and assesses the cloud offerings and relative positions of the Top 10 infrastructure services suppliers in the UK.

If you also subscribe to our newest research stream, FinancialServicesViews, you will also be interested in Cloud Services in the UK Financial Services Sector. To subscribe to any of our research streams, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:33' - Tagged: cloud   infrastructure  

Monday 03 March 2014

NEW RESEARCH: Digital front office opportunities

ImageIn the latest research from ESASViews we delve into the world of front office digitisation to assess market appetite. What is clear is that organisations are making budget available to build their digital capabilities, although investment is still project-based for the most part. However, established suppliers risk ceding opportunities to specialists like digital agencies and emerging providers if they fail to modernise their technology and go-to-market models.

In ‘Capturing the digital front office opportunity’, there are two critical messages for established ESAS suppliers. Rebranding traditional technology is not enough to secure digital contracts - new forms of engagement and experience-centric applications are needed. Secondly, seizing the digital transformation opportunity requires stubborn internal silos and traditional execution processes to be broken down. The report provides insight into how some of today’s leading players like Accenture, IBM and Capgemini are adapting to the digital challenge and the developments and directions all suppliers should be keeping tabs on. 

If you are an eligible TechMarketView subscriber you can read the report here, otherwise please contact Deborah Seth for details about our subscription packages. 

Posted by Angela Eager at '18:28' - Tagged: software   trends  

Monday 03 March 2014

Steria UK: SSCL significant contributor to FY14 growth

Steria logoLast week, Steria announced its FY13 results. For multiple reasons, the UK business stole the show (see 'A promising year ahead for Steria'). Though organically revenue declined by 1.4% to €691.5m, this was the most positive result of Steria’s major geographies; France declined by 5.6% and Germany by 1.6%. In addition, the UK performance rebounded in Q4 with 5.5% growth, notably driven by public sector. With a 10% operating margin, the UK now accounts for 40% of Group revenues and 63% of Group operating margin.

Steria’s performance in FY14 will be significantly boosted by the Cabinet Office SSCL deal (see Steria & SSCL: a pivotal deal). In UKHotViewsExtra, Georgina O’Toole considers the performance of Steria UK in FY13, the importance of the SSCL contract, and the FY14 outlook. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '14:10' - Tagged: results   publicsector   bps  

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