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We are delighted to say that our 2014 event, Race for Change: An Evening with TechMarketView, sponsored by Telecity, is now officially SOLD OUT. We are really looking forward to seeing so many of you at BAFTA on the evening of September 17th.
If you didn’t manage to book a place and you’d like to be added to the wait list please contact Tina Compton at techUK, who is organising the event for us (email #TMVEvening2014
Posted by HotViews Editor at '15:38' - Tagged: events
We are really looking forward to seeing so many of you at BAFTA on the evening of September 17th for our 2014 event, Race for Change: An Evening with TechMarketView, sponsored by Telecity.
If you haven’t yet booked your place you need to get your skates on – there are just seven tickets left available for the evening, which promises to be a high profile date in the UK tech calendar. The event includes short, insightful presentations from the entire cast of TechMarketView research directors - 'topped' by our esteemed chairman, Richard Holway, and 'tailed' by our inimitable Managing Partner, Anthomy Miller – followed by a drinks reception and sumptuous dinner in the magnificent surroundings of BAFTA in Piccadilly.
For full details of the evening see our Events pages then book one of the last few places by clicking here or by contacting Tina Compton at techUK who is organising the event for us (email Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for what promises to be an informative and enjoyable evening. #TMVEvening201
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:55' - Tagged: events
The lead article in the latest edition of OffshoreViews takes a look at the increasingly divergent fortunes of the infamous Bangalore Blues Brothers, aka Infosys and Wipro, and poses the question whether we might eventually see an upset in the offshore services rankings.
Plus we have our regular update of the performance of the leading India-based suppliers globally and in the UK, along with our detailed (and newly enhanced) key operating metrics which as ever highlights the striking contrasts between the players.
All this – and of course with links to relevant offshore-centric UKHotViews posts – in just 4 pages, ready for download here by eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:51' - Tagged: offshore
A number of recent NHS IT contract awards could signal a trend away from the use of ‘best of breed’ clinical and patient record systems by UK hospitals and towards single supplier, ‘Enterprise’ electronic patient record (EPR) systems. In our latest PublicSectorViews research note, Tola Sargeant looks at three contracts – Meditech’s at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust; Cerner’s at West Suffolk and Advanced Computer Software’s at the mental health trust Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – and considers the implications for the market of a move away from ‘best of breed’ systems.
PublicSectorViews subscribers can download the research from today here. If you don’t yet subscribe to our public sector-focused research stream and you’d like to know more, please contact Deborah Seth for details.
Posted by Tola Sargeant at '12:41' - Tagged: contract software health
The UK banking sector is at an important time in its history. After years of cost-cutting and little progressive action, senior management teams at the established banks now realise that they have to accelerate the rate of change if they are to continue to grow and return to delivering shareholder value. Major decisions need to be made about priorities and the scope of activities, particularly with regards to the IT technology which supports their operations.
This report is based on the discussions at a techUK roundtable of executives from across the Banking sector, including representatives of SITS suppliers, customers, lawyers and trade associations. The keynote speech, debate and the extensive insight from TechMarketView in this report highlight the important issues that all suppliers to the Banking sector need to consider as they attempt to win business. As the established banks wrestle with the issues of legacy systems and organisations, increasing competition and demands of their customers this will generate substantial opportunities for the supplier community.
"The Modernisation of the UK Banking sector" builds on earlier research published in the FinancialServicesViews research stream about this crucial topic and provides additional insight for suppliers to established banks and new competitors alike. The report is available to FinancialServicesViews subscribers via this link. If you are not yet a subscriber to this research stream, please contact Deb Seth of our Client Services team.
Posted by Peter Roe at '13:30' - Tagged: cloud legacy banking regulation
Rather than the lull in activity that you might expect over the summer, it’s been a busy period in the NHS IT market with a number of headline-grabbing developments including the NHS Shared Business Services’ tender for a new clinical information systems framework valued at up to £1.25bn over six years, and increasing levels of M&A activity. TechMarketView subscription service clients can read our thoughts on the latest developments and their implications for the UK healthcare IT market in UKHotViewsExtra today.
Posted by Tola Sargeant at '20:47' - Tagged: health
There are less than 20 tickets left for TechMarketView’s 2014 event at BAFTA on the evening of September 17th - so if you want to be there book NOW to avoid huge disappointment! Race for Change: An Evening with TechMarketView, sponsored by Telecity, is shaping up to be another very high profile date in the UK tech calendar. The guest list already reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ for the sector.
The evening includes presentations from the TechMarketView analyst team led by our Chairman Richard Holway MBE and Managing Partner Anthony Miller, sharing views on the trends and suppliers shaping the UK software, IT services and business process services market. Then there’s an opportunity to quiz the speakers and mingle with your peers at a drinks reception followed by a sumptuous dinner in the magnificent surroundings of BAFTA in Piccadilly.
Tickets cost £395+VAT for TechMarketView subscription clients and £495+VAT for everyone else. You’ll find more details on the evening on the Events pages of our website.
Book one of the last few places now by clicking here or by contacting Tina Compton at techUK who is organising the event for us (email
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:50' - Tagged: events
Business process automation (BPA) is a small, but dynamic emerging disruptor space to the multi-billion pounds per year business process services (BPS) market.
BPA involves software and services that replace people in business process tasks, such as those in back, mid or front office administration. These tasks are typically manually intensive, rules-based activities such as customer registrations, updates and enquiries that are often costly to perform and prone to error. BPA offers a means to accelerate processing speeds, reduce errors and remove unnecessary administrative costs.
‘Next generation’ BPA introduces emerging technologies like robotic automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and virtual assistants. It is encouraging a wave of innovation from new SITS suppliers like our Little British Battlers Celaton, OmPrompt, Genfour and Thoughtonomy (see Little British Battlers – the fourth generation and Little British Battlers – the third wave), as well as others like Blue Prism and UiPath (see Blue Prism a game changer in the making?). There are a host of more established BPA players too like Netcall, Automic, Readsoft and Kofax, which are making moves in this 'next gen' space.
We expect BPA to present a major new opportunity for BPS providers over the next few years as a means of introducing new innovation into business process operations and accelerating end user demand. But these same BPS providers also face many threats if they fail to understand the dynamics of BPA as a disruptor to their core market.
Subscribers to TechMarketView’s BusinessProcessViews research stream can read the in-depth analysis into the BPA suppliers and the market opportunity in the report Business Process Automation – a brave new world for BPS providers.
If you aren’t yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth ( who will be happy to help.
Posted by John O'Brien at '14:50' - Tagged: bps bpa
We recently met with Jonathan Prew, Capita's new Head of Local Government who, along with other members of the Capita team, outlined how the company is looking to engage with local authorities using analytics and insight to help shape and deliver future offerings. Subscribers to TechMarketView's research services can read the detailed analysis in UKHotViewsExtra here. If you are not yet a subscriber please contract Deb Seth.
Posted by Michael Larner at '11:07' - Tagged: localgovernment Capita
A few weeks ago we revealed that HP had been ceded its crown to Capita in our UK SITS rankings – see All hail the might Capita! The latest research from TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team reveals that Capita has done it again – this time it has taken the crown as the leading supplier of SITS to the UK public sector. And there are some other interesting movements in the rankings including a new entrant: Agilisys.
Our report UK public sector SITS supplier rankings 2014-15 looks at the performance and prospects of the Top 20 suppliers to the sector. It also reveals that the tranche of suppliers sitting just below the top 20 are outperforming the leading players. Importantly our research combines our latest understanding of the direction of travel in UK Government (see Cabinet Office: accepting win-win good for all?) and considers which suppliers are best aligned to succeed. PublicSectorViews subscribers can download the report now. Anyone else should contact Deb Seth to rectify the situation!
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '09:52' - Tagged: publicsector suppliers
At the end of July 2014, TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team met with UK Government COO, Stephen Kelly, to talk to him about the Cabinet Office’s progress in developing a “responsible, intelligent and experienced client function”. As the situation evolves, in this latest PublicSectorViews research note, we consider how the client/supplier relationship is changing.
The message from Kelly is that UK Government is now open to suppliers, of all shapes and sizes, becoming “strategic partners” as it transitions to “Government-as-a-Platform” model. But what does that mean? And how should suppliers behave if they are to establish, or indeed re-establish, a strong relationship with UK Government?
TechMarketView PublicSectorViews subscribers can download ‘Cabinet Office: Accepting win-win good for all?’ now. In the next few days, this view will also form part of our latest update to the UK public sector SITS supplier landscape report. If you are not yet a PublicSectorViews subscriber, please contact Deb Seth so you can access this must-read research.
FOOTNOTE (added 6th August): Sometimes it's only a little later that you understand the true relevance of a remark. When we met with Kelly a couple of weeks ago, he highlighted the benefits that had been realised from having a consistent Cabinet Office team in place. He also insisted that the existing team was committed - to be fair he couldn't really say anything else at the time!
More telling, though, was his view that the appointment of a new UK Government CEO would mean "individual characters on the early phase of the journey become less critical, as the Civil Service from the top owns and embraces reform". Of course this morning we hear of news of Kelly's departure to Sage (Sage announces Stephen Kelly as CEO). And his responsibilities, from November onwards, will be taken on by the aforementioned CEO (recruitment in progress).
But what of the other "characters"? Though most appear committed, it is impossible to say they won't get a better offer. And it would be hard to envisage the likes of Liam Maxwell remaining in place should we see a change in Government. We agree with Kelly that much of the characteristics of reform are now hard wired into the Civil Service. And a CEO will help to cement that further. But despite Kelly playing down the importance of Maude, Crothers, Maxwell, and Bracken, we can't help feel that the departure of one or more might result in a softening of approach.
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '23:20' - Tagged: publicsector strategy government
One of the conundrums facing the SITS market is that interest levels around the digital technologies that form the SMAC stack are high but buy-side investment remains at relatively low levels. Looking for evidence of how digital technology adoption has progressed we spoke with Dr Satya Ramaswamy, VP and global head of Digital Enterprise at TCS. TechMarketView subscribers can read how the digital market in general and TCS specifically (who has invested heavily in digital) is progressing in HotViewsExtra here. What is clear is that the adoption current is developing a strong undertow, even if revenues remain relatively low – for the moment. Suppliers who have not already invested have very little time to catch up.
Posted by Angela Eager at '15:19' - Tagged: offshore strategy applications digital
In November 2011 we issued an open invitation to CEOs of small, privately-held, UK-owned software and IT services companies to meet the TechMarketView analyst team. Our aim was to give these ‘Little British Battlers’ (LBBs) the opportunity to get on our radar. In exchange, we would give them feedback on their businesses, along with ‘airtime’ on UKHotViews and visibility among the TechMarketView client base, the cast of which reads like a ‘Who’s Who’ of the UK software and IT services market. Not to put too fine a point on it, this is exposure that money can’t buy. We thought 20 or 30 companies might reply. In fact, we got over 180 responses!
On 25th January 2012, the CEOs of the 12 LBBs that we had selected came to London meet the TechMarketView team at our inaugural LBB event. Since then we have run three further Little British Battler events, most recently in April.
Today we publish our fourth LBB report covering the twelve companies that were selected to participate in our April event (see here). In this report you will find snapshots of each company based on the views and opinions of the TechMarketView team. While every company had its specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, we found there were some common themes, and we have drawn these together in the SWOT of the SWOTs at the end of the report.
Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download the report here. Meanwhile, we’ll soon be looking for the next group of companies to participate in our fifth Little British Battler event later this year.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:12' - Tagged: lbb
For several years now, the established IT services community has been trying to understand the level of threat posed by emerging public cloud providers. We have no doubt that part of the traditional infrastructure services market is already being ‘nibbled away’ by private and public cloud services.
However, we still believe that the Infrastructure Operations and Support markets will remain a large, multi-billion pound revenue source for traditional suppliers for many years to come. But as the landscape changes, and as more infrastructure becomes cloud based, to what degree will the traditional suppliers be edged out by new and emerging players?
This new report assesses some of the key challenges facing established infrastructure services suppliers. It looks in-depth at Amazon Web Services, profiles other cloud providers, and asks what suppliers can learn from their rapid rise.
Subscribers to our very popular InfrastructureViews can access the report here: AWS and the cloud upstarts: Death knell for the established players? - authored by Kate Hanaghan.
If you would like to subscribe to InfrastructureViews, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:44' - Tagged: newresearch