Friday 31 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects 2020

imageIn case you missed it in the January rush, the Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects 2020 report has been released. 

Taming Digital Chaos will be one of the top challenges through 2020 and beyond as both buyers and suppliers deal with the consequences of the anarchy of early stage digitalisation. For suppliers, ensuring you are part of the solution rather than adding to the problem is essential and for that, ever-higher levels of trust  lie at the heart centre of buyer-supplier relationships. 

The 2020 edition of the Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects report lays out the major challenges facing software suppliers during 2020. It identifies how to respond to achieve market success and the approaches we believe will work in the longer term, making it a must-read report as we start a fresh year. 

The report contains profiles of the top 10 suppliers of enterprise software to the UK market, from top placed Microsoft to 10thplaced Adobe. The profiles provide TechMarketView’s perspective on characteristics such as levels of digital fitness, how suppliers are distilling down and reworking their software portfolios, and what they can bring to meet enterprises’ cravings for a degree of control in a chaotic environment.

The insights within Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects 2020 are a positive way to kick of 2020 and the report is available to eligible TechMarketView subscribers. For those of you who don’t have a subscription, Deb Seth will be happy to provide details. 

Posted by Angela Eager at '08:13' - Tagged: software   trends   machinelearning   digitalchaos   platforms   prospects  

Thursday 30 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* 2019: Record year for UK SITS M&A

CHARTThe UK software and IT services (SITS) sector recorded its highest level of M&A activity during 2019 despite all the political and economic concerns both globally and in the UK. UK domestic deals increased by 15% and there was a 10% increase in the number of acquisitions of UK SITS companies by overseas buyers, according to data from corporate finance firm, Regent Assay. UK SITS buyers accounted for 417 buy-side transactions, up 11% from 2018, and there were 485 sell side transactions, up 13% yoy.

Subscribers to the TechMarketView Foundation Service and UKHotViews Premium can read our annual summary of corporate activity in the UK SITS sector in our latest report, IndustryViews Corporate Activity – 2019 Review, downloadable now.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '15:19' - Tagged: acquisition  

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Keen to raise your profile in the UK tech market?

Sponsor an ‘Evening with TechMarketView’ this September 

Event imagesWe are pleased to be inviting applications from organisations of all sizes interested in supporting our flagship annual event, ‘An Evening with TechMarketView’. Now in its eighth year, the event is held in September and will be based around our 2020 research theme ‘Digital Chaos’. 

An Evening with TechMarketView attracts over 200 CXOs from across the UK tech market for an evening of analyst insight and convivial networking over drinks and dinner. This year it kicks off at 6.30pm on the 10th September with a drinks reception, followed by an hour of presentations from TechMarketView analysts and then a three-course dinner, all held at the magnificent Royal Institute of British Architects in London. 

Attendees include CEOs and senior management from tech companies large and small, as well as end-users of technology from the public and private sector. Guests from previous years have told us it’s the best networking in the industry. (If you’re keen to book your table you can now do so via tx2 Events at early bird rates). 

Varied Sponsorship packages are available 

Our sponsors use the event as an opportunity to raise their profile, showcase their proposition, and generate leads with prospective partners and clients. There are a variety of packages to suit different budgets with benefits including: 

· A five-minute speaking slot ahead of the analyst presentations (exclusive to Diamond package) 

· Your brand prominent across the event 

· Inserts in the delegate pack & advanced sight of attendee list 

· Your company name & logo in our prolific UKHotViews & social media coverage in months leading up to the event 

· A package of additional Sponsored Posts and Banner adverts in our UKHotViews email. 

Previous sponsors have included Datto, InterSystems, Wells Fargo, Sage, NetSuite, Kimble, Aqilla and Brands2Life. 

For more details of available packages download our Sponsorship Brochure today and contact Paula Miles-Mathewson at TechMarketView to express your interest in supporting the event.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '16:42'

Wednesday 29 January 2020

*New Research* Digital Marketplace 2019 Review

Digital Marketplace ReportThe Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has published the latest batch of Digital Marketplace sales data covering the period up to the end of last year. The data covers sales from the G-Cloud and Digital Outcomes & Specialists (DOS) frameworks.

Spend for the 12 months ended 31 December 2019 was £2,362m, up 28% year-on-year (2018: £1,844m), and the first time Digital Marketplace spend has topped £2bn. G-Cloud accounted for 66% of these sales with DOS accounting for the remaining 34%. Although both frameworks achieved strong growth there was a significant slowdown in growth of DOS spend.

The data shows 57% of Digital Marketplace spend going to large companies, 38% with SMEs and 5% with unclassified companies. However, TechMarketView’s analysis revealed in our Digital Marketplace 2019 Review shows the proportion of business by value awarded to SMEs is lower than the raw data suggests, and that G-Cloud spend with SMEs continues to fall. Although this is, in part, due to some SMEs benefitting from the Digital Marketplace to the extent they are no longer classed as SMEs, the Government still needs to do more to ensure greater SME involvement in public procurement.

The Digital Marketplace continues to be dominated by central government, accounting for 81% of spend in 2019. However, we are continuing to see growth across all areas of the public sector.

The leading suppliers in 2019 were Kainos (£92.7m) followed by AWS (£82.9m) and IBM (£81.5m). The Home Office remains by far the largest spender on the Digital Marketplace; it spent £371.4m in 2019, more than the next three central government departments combined.

PublicSectorViews’ clients can download our full analysis of the Digital Marketplace data here: Digital Marketplace 2019 Review.

Please contact Deb Seth for further information about TechMarketView’s subscription services.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:31' - Tagged: research   government   framework   g-cloud   data   dos  

Tuesday 28 January 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* IR35: Should we be worried?

IR35 imageIR35 is a hot topic of conversation. It is causing much confusion for contractor and end user organisations alike. A search on LinkedIn brings up IR35 experts, advisors, and compliance specialists aplenty. While everyone can easily seek out the formal policy description, the confusion lies within the detail and how to determine if IR35 applies to you or, as a business, your contractors.

UKHotViews Premium logoIt is now only a couple of months until IR35 – or Off Payroll Tax – legislation is introduced into the private sector. We are, increasingly, being asked what it will mean for our tech industry. In this UKHotViews Extra - IR35: Should we be worried? - we consider the implications, from the administrative burden, to the potential impact on skills supply, to the likelihood of HMRC achieving its tax income goals.

TechMarketView subscribers – including UKHotViewsPremium clients – can access the analysis now. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '08:57' - Tagged: publicsector   employment   government   privatesector   contractor   legal   IR35  

Friday 24 January 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030

National Policing Digital Strategy coverThe National Policing Digital Strategy 2020-2030 was launched at this week’s Police ICT Summit 2020. The strategy was co-authored by the Police ICT Company and National Police Technology Council and builds upon Policing Vision 2025 that was published in 2016.

The strategy document says progress has been made in recent years but that more needs to be done. It presents five key digital ambitions for policing:

  1. Seamless citizen experience: giving the public more choice in how they engage with the police.
  2. Addressing harm: using digital technologies and behaviours to identify the risk of harm and protect the vulnerable.
  3. Enabling officers and staff: investing in people, from leadership through to the front-line, to ensure they are equipped with the right capabilities.
  4. Embedding a whole public system approach: fostering a philosophy of openness and deepen collaboration with partners to jointly design and tackle public safety issues.
  5. Empowering the private sector: strengthening the relationship policing has with the private sector and fostering a vibrant PoliceTech landscape.

The document is well timed, coming in the same week the Government announced the biggest increase in funding for the police system in a decade. The settlement includes the £750m announced by the Chancellor in last year’s Spending Round to recruit 6,000 of the 20,000 additional police officers pledged by the Government by the end of March 2021 (see Spending Round 2019: turning the page on austerity?).

UKHotViews Premium logoAs almost every traditional crime now has a digital element to it, both in terms of how it was committed and how the police investigate it, getting the right strategy in place for digital, data and technology will be essential for the future of policing. UKHotViews Premium and research subscribers can read more about the National Policing Digital Strategy here.

For more information about TechMarketView's subscription services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:15' - Tagged: strategy   police   government   digital   data  

Thursday 23 January 2020

NEW RESEARCH: Taming Digital Chaos – Predictions Compendium

We are excited to today launch the TechMarketView Predictions Coprempendium for 2020. Based around our research theme for 2020, Digital Chaos, our Predictions are essential reading for both buyers and suppliers of technology and services.  

The report combines all of our Predictions research for 2020, including our Top Ten Predictions for the UK Software and IT Services market, and our views from our experts in the Public and Financial Services sectors. Also included in the Compendium is a special section from Richard Holway entitled: “2020 Vision - Forecasting the Future”.

Expect far more research on Digital Chaos as 2020 progresses. In the meantime, the 2020 Predictions Compendium is available here: Taming Digital Chaos: Predictions Compendium 2020.

For further information, please contact our Client Services team (

Posted by HotViews Editor at '10:00'

Tuesday 21 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Business Process Services Supplier Prospects 2020

Our new Business Process Services (BPS) Supplier Prospects 2020 report looks at how the top 10 largest players in the market are set up to deal with the current turbulent market environment.

coverDigital complexity is driving the market forward, with clients looking for guidance as they look to navigate the emerging “digital chaos”. One of the clearest symptoms of this is the increasing requirement for expert advice as organisations grapple with their next move. Buyers are expecting digital solutions to create value quickly, which means suppliers are having to be geared up to operate at speed.

Consultancy-led services and the need for consultative selling is pushing through changes to both BPS operating models and staffing requirements. Demand for innovation and design-led thinking skills in particular are red hot, as BPS players invest in the areas likely to deliver both the greatest return as well as a deeper, more strategic relationship with their clients.

The report contains profiles of the top 10 suppliers of Business Process Services to the UK market, from top placed Capita to 10th placed Concentrix.

The insights within Business Process Services Supplier Prospects 2020 and beyond are a positive way to kick of 2020 and the report is available to eligible TechMarketView subscribers. For those of you who don’t have a subscription, Deb Seth will be happy to provide details.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '10:59' - Tagged: bps   suppliers   newresearch   prospects  

Friday 17 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* UK SITS stocks finish the year with healthy gains

chartUK tech indices performed extremely well during the first half of 2019 but suffered a big correction during the third quarter. Fortunately, this turned out to be a temporary set-back with growth returning during the final quarter.

The FTSE SCS index, a proxy for UK listed software and IT services (SITS) companies, gained 35% during the first half of the year but lost 17% during the third quarter, regaining some of the lost ground in Q4 with a 14% gain to finish the year up a very healthy 27%.

Other tech sectors also posted strong gains with the Techmark 100 index up 36% yoy and the FTSE Hardware sector gained 74% to lift the wider FTSE Technology sector by almost 30%.

The value of quoted UK SITS companies jumped to £55.6bn in 2019 (2018: £33.5bn) after the London Stock Exchange redefined some of the industry classifications used to segment listed companies.

TechMarketView Foundation Service subscribers and UKHotViews Premium subscribers can read more about the comparative performance of UK SITS stocks in IndustryViews Quoted Sector 2019 Review by clicking here.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:51'

Thursday 16 January 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra* Nicky Morgan: five principles to make technology work for all

Nicky Morgan source: Nicky Morgan, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), has set out the approach required to achieve the Government’s ambition of making technology work for everyone.

Speaking at the launch of Tech Talent Charter’s Diversity in Tech benchmarking report, Morgan said the UK tech sector has gone from strength to strength in recent years, highlighting record levels of VC investment in 2019. The “unashamedly pro-technology” Government wants to “sustain, intensify and spread this growth” and has a vision to “ensure a thriving economy, driven by world-leading technology, that works to the benefit of all citizens”. Morgan said there are five key principles she sees as critically important if the Government is to achieve its goal.

  1. Pro-technology government

  2. Sharing the benefits of technology widely and fairly

  3. Pro-innovation regulation

  4. Protecting the vulnerable and ensuring safety and security

  5. A free and open Internet

UKHotViews Premium logoThis was a wide-ranging speech, which highlights the Government’s ambition to build on the progress that has been achieved in recent years and establishes a commitment to put the tech sector at the heart of the Government’s ambitions for this parliament. UKHotViews Premium and research subscribers can read more about the five principles here.

Nicky Morgan’s full speech can be read here and for more information on the Tech Talent Charter (of which TechMarketView is a proud signatory) please see: For more information about TechMarketView's subscription services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '10:06' - Tagged: strategy   government   digital  

Friday 10 January 2020

Catch-up on TechMarketView's latest research

In case you missed it in the busy run up to Christmas, here’s a reminder of just some of the research TechMarketView analysts published:esas

And if you wanted to see just how tech shares ended 2019, take a look at Richard’s Holway’s Share Indices for 2019.

Look out for our Predictions Compendium, coming shortly, which brings together our analyst team’s view on what 2020 holds for the industry.

To become a TechMarketView customer, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:45'

Tuesday 07 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Super Scale Cloud Service Providers and Edge Computing

Super Scale Cloud Service Providers and Edge ComputingEdge computing remains at a very early stage of its maturity, and the next five years is likely to see considerable disruption to existing cloud and network service provider business models as various different suppliers work out their own approach to meet growing demand for associated infrastructure and services.

TechMarketView thinks that edge genuinely threatens to undermine a key advantage that super scale cloud service providers (CSPs) - in this instance Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, IBM and Microsoft - have so far enjoyed in the cloud hosting and analytics market. By decentralising storage and processing capacity to locations closer to data and customers, it gives hundreds if not thousands of tier two cloud service providers, telcos, systems integrators and other suppliers a cheaper, simpler way to crash the party which is faster to deploy and offers a performance advantage for certain types of application, particularly in Internet of Things (IoT) environments.

Our latest report - Super Scale Cloud Service Providers and Edge Computing - outlines emerging frameworks and use cases for edge computing and analyses the extent to which Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, IBM and Microsoft are absorbing the approach into their own commercial strategies to meet that potential competitive threat head on.

Subscribers to SecureConnectViews can download the Super Scale Cloud Service Providers and Edge Computing report here. If you are not yet a subscriber but would like to discuss access options, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Martin Courtney at '08:25' - Tagged: EdgeComputing   telecommunications   cloudserviceproviders   networkinfrastructure  

Monday 06 January 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects 2020

imageTaming Digital Chaos will be one of the top challenges through 2020 and beyond as both buyers and suppliers deal with the consequences of the anarchy of early stage digitalisation. For suppliers, ensuring you are part of the solution rather than adding to the problem is essential and for that ever-higher levels of trust  lie at the heart centre of buyer-supplier relationships. 

The 2020 edition of the Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects report lays out the major challenges facing software suppliers during 2020. It identifies how to respond to achieve market success and the approaches we believe will work in the longer term, making it a must-read report as we start a fresh year. 

The report contains profiles of the top 10 suppliers of enterprise software to the UK market, from top placed Microsoft to 10th placed Adobe. The profiles provide TechMarketView’s perspective on characteristics such as levels of digital fitness, how suppliers are distilling down and reworking their software portfolios, and what they can bring to meet enterprises’ cravings for a degree of control in a chaotic environment.

The insights within Enterprise Software Supplier Prospects 2020 and beyond are a positive way to kick of 2020 and the report is available to eligible TechMarketView subscribers. For those of you who don’t have a subscription, Deb Seth will be happy to provide details.  

Posted by Angela Eager at '09:19' - Tagged: markettrends   software   digitalchaos   prospects  

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