Tuesday 29 April 2014

*NEW RESEARCH*: Agilisys Digital and the competitive landscape

Agilisys Digital LogoAs we noted in Agilisys attracts new clients with technology portfolio, Agilisys has been pretty successful in attracting new local government clients to its Agilisys Digital platform and Agilisys Engage, with both focused on citizen self-service and personalisation. Perhaps it’s small wonder, considering that the Government’s ‘Digital by Default’ agenda puts the spotlight on the efficiency and effectiveness of local authorities’ citizen interaction.

The legacy suppliers offering point solutions, e.g. customer relationship management (CRM) or content management systems (CMS), had cornered the market. However, as citizen interaction has become more complex, many authorities have come to the conclusion that a more integrated end to end solution is required to deliver consistent customer service.

Like other ‘Customer Experience Management’ (CEM) solutions, Agilisys Digital allows citizens/users to view information and carry out a range of secure transactions online. So far, having launched at the beginning of last year, Agilisys can count a dozen local authority customers for the platform. But, the market is becoming busier with other players clamouring to be the leaders in digitisation of public services – either those looking to protect their existing local government business, or those trying to build on a small (or non-existent) footprint.

The latest research from TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team paints a picture of the competitive landscape for ‘Customer Experience Management’ solutions in local government and asks how Agilisys Digital stacks up. PublicSectorViewssubscribers can download the research – Will Agilisys get it all its own way with ‘Digital’? – now. If you would aren’t yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '11:40' - Tagged: localgovernment   software   suppliers   digital   customerservice  

Monday 28 April 2014

Civica local government BPS model gaining traction

lLast July, local government software and services provider Civica was awarded its second significant local government BPS deal to date after Gloucester City Council (see here) with three Worcestershire authorities (see Civica wins South Worcestershire shared service).

We recently spoke with Civica, and Wychavon District Council, the lead authority for the South Worcestershire shared service (SWSS), to get an update on progress and opportunities.

Civica took on some 110 people from Wychavon and committed to make £3m in savings for the councils without any loss of jobs. The shared service has already had success winning work with authorities in other parts of England, which will help deliver upsides in terms of new revenue and potentially job creation.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's research streams can read the analysis in UKHotViewsExtra here.

Posted by John O'Brien at '07:49' - Tagged: localgovernment   bpaas   bps   platform  

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Book your place for ‘An Evening with TechMarketView’

The Race for Change: An Evening with TechMarketView

Date: Wednesday 17th September 2014
Time: 18.00p.m. – 23:00p.m.
Venue: BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LN

Join TechMarketView’s analyst team at the annual TechMarketView Presentation & Dinner on Wednesday 17th September 2014 to hear how the ‘Race for Change’ is impacting all areas of the UK software, IT services and business process services market. Last year’s inaugural event was a huge success and this year’s promises to be an equally high profile date in the UK tech calendar.

Whether you’re a supplier of software, IT or business process services, an investor in the sector or an end-user of SITS services, the insight and analysis provided by TechMarketView will prove invaluable as you plan for a future in a world that is changing rapidly. Learn more about trends such as the rise of the data driven business, the advent of business process automation or the era of wearable computing, and hear firsthand which suppliers we think will be the winners and the losers in 2014 and beyond.

The evening will kick off with presentations from TechMarketView’s analyst team, led by TechMarketView founders Richard Holway MBE and Anthony Miller. Throughout the evening you’ll hear the candid views of TechMarketView’s experts on software and application services, infrastructure services and business process services, and get an update from our well-respected UK public sector and financial services SITS market analysts.  You’ll gain insight into what’s really happening in the UK SITS scene and the implications for your organisation in the years ahead.

After an opportunity to quiz the speakers and mingle with your peers at a drinks reception, sit down to a sumptuous dinner in the magnificent surroundings of BAFTA in Piccadilly to continue the debate and network with senior colleagues from across the UK SITS sector. The audience is set to include CXOs and senior managers from a broad spectrum of suppliers and end users in the sector, including public sector organisations.

Tickets cost £395+VAT for TechMarketView subscription clients and £495+VAT for everyone else.

Last year’s event was a sell out, so don’t miss your chance to be there in September 2014. 

Reserve your place now by clicking here or by contacting Tina Compton at techUK who is organising the event for us (email

TMV Event 2013

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:00'

Tuesday 22 April 2014

NEW RESEARCH: Does the market need Big Data driven applications?

ImageWe are seeing more enterprises with the desire to make better use of their data. The obvious uses are improving decision making as a route to competitive gain, reduced risk and plain old (but still valuable) cost-saving internal efficiency. But there is also a growing appetite to ‘productise’ data so that it can become a revenue driver in its own right. These requirements are the background for the emerging class of data driven applications (DDAs) that extract the value from complex Big Data sets and make it intelligible and actionable across enterprises.

Both types of use cases dangle the prospect of new revenue so are attracting the attention of established ESAS suppliers. But they are also drawing new types of vendors close, from data-owning telco’s and financial services companies and non-IT organisations with data assets they want to exploit, to marketing and digital agencies well versed in exploiting data. Established ESAS providers cannot assume they will be the recipient of DDA investments.

The latest research from ESASViews, Does the market need Big Data driven applications?, looks at this emerging area, how the market is structured in terms of suppliers, and provides insight into how two of the established application services providers – Atos and CGI - are approaching the opportunity. Our view is that DDAs are low revenue currently but strategically important because of their impact on Big Data adoption, the types of services ESAS providers need to think about providing, and how they need to build resources and go-to-market models. TechMarketView ESASViews subscribers can click here to download the report. If you have not subscribed to this forward-looking research stream as yet, Deborah Seth will be happy to help.

Posted by Angela Eager at '18:33' - Tagged: analytics   bigdata  

Monday 21 April 2014

IndustryViews Corporate Activity Q1 2014

Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download IndustryViews Corporate Activity Q1 2014 to read our regular summary of the UK software and IT services corporate activity scene.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '18:01' - Tagged: acquisition  

Wednesday 16 April 2014

WCIT Enterprise Awards - Call for Entries

picTechMarketView is well known for its championship of innovative UK tech SMEs through its acclaimed Little British Battler programme. But we’re also keen to support similar initiatives from respected independent institutions.

Therefore we are delighted to bring to your attention the WCIT Enterprise Awards which are presented each year to the UK’s leading technology entrepreneurs. The awards ceremony will be held at a gala dinner in central London on Thursday 12th June 2014, and this year for the first time the awards are supported by industry association techUK. The award categories are:

  • Young Entrepreneur
  • Emerging Entrepreneur
  • Developing Entrepreneur
  • Enterprise Award
  • Social Enterprise Award

There will also be a special Judges’ Award given to an entrepreneur who in the opinion of the judges is a role model for others. The awards dinner will be attended by industries luminaries including Stephen Kelly, COO, UK Government, Mike Tobin, CEO of Telecity, Julian David, CEO of techUK, and TechMarketView chairman Richard Holway. 

Entries close on Wednesday 7th May and you can get further details here.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:18' - Tagged: events  

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Still pipedreaming in the Brazilian IT market?

picIn this latest bumper issue of BrazilViews, TechMarketView managing partner Anthony Miller looks at the prospects for suppliers in the Brazilian IT market and explains why he thinks industry growth forecasts are still far too optimistic.

This issue also includes Miller’s impressions of some of the global suppliers operating in the Brazilian market after meeting the heads of IBM Brazil, Wipro Latin America and Infosys Brazil. He also met the top team at a couple of tiny Brazilian firms and found that innovation is alive and well in the ‘land of the samba sun’.

In the UK Miller caught up with the EMEA head of Stefanini, the largest independent IT services supplier in Brazil – and was surprised to find that the company is running service desk operations for several top name international enterprises where you might have expected to find that service in the hands of the global IT majors.

If you have any interest in the Brazilian IT market, then you should download BrazilViews here and now! But of course you do need to be an eligible TechMarketView subscription service client. And if you’re not, let Deb Seth on our client services team point you towards the samba sun.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:13' - Tagged: brazil  

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Latest TMV Research: Did you miss something?

TMV logoOur latest Quarterly Research Summary is hot off the press – get a full update of the research published by the TechMarketView analyst team over the last quarter by downloading it here.

‘Must reads’ from the last few months include some reports that have only just been published and don’t make it into the research summary. FinancialServicesViews subscribers should be sure to read Peter Roe’s latest report: Finding the winners in UK payments. Whilst avid readers of PublicSectorViews research won’t want to miss Georgina O’Toole’s analysis of the UK Public Sector SITS Suppliers’ Cyber Security Offerings.

Other highlights from the first quarter include two cloud-focused reports. Peter Roe analyses Cloud Services in the UK Financial Services Sector in FinancialServicesViews and Kate Hanaghan looks at How Infrastructure Services firms are fighting for their place in the Cloud market for our InfrastructureViews research stream.

Also ‘too good to miss’ are the UK Public Sector SITS Supplier Landscape Report 2013-14 – PublicSectorViews’ annual in-depth analysis of all the movers and shakers in the UK public sector markets – and Capturing the Digital Front Office Opportunity, Angela Eager’s excellent analysis of the world of front office digitisation for ESASViews subscribers.

BusinessProcessViews subscribers should check out John O’Brien’s latest analysis of Capita and Serco. Plus there is a string of reports from the Foundation Service including those providing our regular scrutiny of developments in UK SITS Venture Capital, Quoted Sector and Corporate Activity.

To download our full Quarterly Research Summary, whether you’re a subscriber or not, click here.

If you’ve not yet succumbed to the temptation to subscribe to one of our in-depth research streams and you'd like more information, email Deborah Seth on our Client Services team for details of our 2014 subscription packages.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '10:23'

Tuesday 15 April 2014

TMV Event sponsorship opportunity

TMV logoTechMarketView’s annual Presentation & Dinner will be held on Wednesday 17th September 2014. During the evening, 200 of UK tech’s ‘great and good’ will gather at BAFTA in London to hear the TechMarketView analyst team, led by our Chairman Richard Holway MBE and Managing Partner Anthony Miller, share views on the trends and suppliers shaping the UK software, IT services and business process services market. Last year’s inaugural event was a huge success and this year’s, which builds on our 2014 ‘Race for change’ theme, promises to be an equally high profile date in the UK tech calendar.

For the first time we are inviting applications to become the sole sponsor for this prestigious event. The sponsorship package includes a five minute speaking slot before the dinner as well as the right to have your company logo on promotional material and prominent at the event itself. If you’d be interested in learning more about this sponsorship opportunity, please contact TechMarketView Director Tola Sargeant for full details.

You’ll find more detail on the TMV Presentation and Dinner 2014 itself within the Events pages on our website.

Bafta images

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:00'

Monday 14 April 2014

NEW RESEARCH: Finding the Winners in UK Payments

The UK payments business used to be staid, conservative and frankly rather boring. This has all changed with the rise of Internet shopping, the massive growth in penetration of smartphones and significant changes in how people bank, buy and pay. As a result, we are seeing a lot more attention focusing on the companies serving this important and very diverse sector, with many new start-ups, embryonic business models and some very fancy valuations. It is increasingly difficult to identify the companies that will be successful in this very dynamic, but potentially very lucrative industry.

The payments value chain is becoming even more complex. Not only do players have to deal with many different payments authorities and regulatory bodies, they now have to deal with new channels to market, opened up by online and mobile technologies. Companies are also looking to better exploit transaction-related data, combining it with information about the consumers preferences, history and location to generate additional business.

In this, the second report from TechMarketView on the payments business we consider the various elements of the payments value chain, identifying key issues and routes to success. We then focus on five potential winners in this space. From the large, highly valued but well-connected Monitise to the smaller, more focused newcomers of Proxama and Earthport and looking at the full service players of CGI and the Atos subsidiary, Worldline. This market segment is likely to undergo many far-reaching changes over the next few years and software and IT services vendors need to be aware of what drives success to benefit from the rapid growth that this period of change will generate.

Subscribers to FinancialServicesViews can access this report here.  To subscribe, or to learn more about this research stream, contact Deb Seth of our client services team.

Posted by Peter Roe at '09:00' - Tagged: mobility   payments  

Wednesday 09 April 2014

*NEW RESEARCH* UK public sector SITS suppliers: cyber security offerings

PSV cyber security report cover Over the last 1-2 years, our conversations with the major SITS suppliers to the UK public sector have been dominated by how they will retain as much of their existing public sector business as possible, while trying to find new growth markets to pursue.

Across the majority of the Top 20 suppliers (see UK public sector SITS supplier landscape 2013-14), cyber security was consistently highlighted as a growth area. But what remained a mystery was what these suppliers meant when they said ‘cyber security’. And indeed, how they intended to differentiate from the other suppliers in an increasingly crowded landscape.

The term cyber security is becoming more heavily utilised. Some traditional IT security suppliers dislike the term, considering it over-used and hijacked for marketing purposes. Indeed, in the computing context, the term ‘security’ (on its own) implies cyber security.

This PublicSectorViews report seeks to determine how the major SITS suppliers are reacting to current buying trends around ‘cyber’ or ‘IT’ security across the UK public sector, how they are investing in their cyber security offerings to market, and how they intend to package and sell those offerings to UK public sector organisations.

The report also considers the growing band of SMEs with product and/or services in cyber security. Are they a threat to the larger players? Will they succeed because they are agile and fleet-of-foot? Or will they struggle to maintain the levels of investment required to tackle new and emerging cyber threats?

Subscribers to TechMarketViews’ PublicSectorViews research stream can download the report – UK Public Sector SITS suppliers: cyber security offerings – now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to gain access, please get in touch with Deb Seth, who would be delighted to help!

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '21:02' - Tagged: publicsector   strategy   security   suppliers   cyber  

Tuesday 08 April 2014

IndustryViews Venture Capital 2013 Review

Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download IndustryViews Venture Capital 2013 Review, our succinct year-end review of venture capital investment in UK software and IT services companies here.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:14'

Monday 07 April 2014

Little British Battlers – the Fourth Generation

logoWe are delighted to announce the names of the twelve companies that have been invited to participate in the fourth Little British Battler Day to be held in London on 23rd April.

They are:

  • Company85
  • Egress Software Technologies
  • Eseye
  • Genfour
  • Mvine
  • Purple Secure Systems
  • Rant & Rave
  • Sales-i
  • Shaping Cloud
  • TagPoints
  • Thoughtonomy
  • Virtualstock

The standard of applications was again incredibly high and it was very difficult for us to select which companies should be invited to participate. There were other candidates we considered to be equally worthy and it is simply a matter of logistics that we cannot invite more to participate on the day.

We look forward to welcoming the CEOs of our next 12 Little British Battlers to the event.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:10'

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