Thursday 19 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* Infrastructure Operations: The beating heart of tech

Available now, Infrastructure Operations: Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts 2024 explains the market trends and supplier landscape using TechMarketView’s unique ‘bottom up’ methodology and leveraging our extensive network of contacts in the UK.

Infrastructure Operations: Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts 2024 details TechMarketView’s market size and growth data for the UK Infrastructure Operations market. It provides expert analysis of the key trends that are shaping the market, providing insights for suppliers. There are also recommendations and advice for vendors, making this research both informative and practical. In addition, the report contains commentary on the Top 20 suppliers.

Infrastructure Operations are the beating heart of technology foundations, fuelling the day-to-day and supercharging business transformation.  infra ops cover

While it can be easy to get caught up in the hype around GenAI and the exciting possibilities of other emerging technologies, the success of these will largely come down to the resilience and readiness of an organisation’s “digital foundations”. And for many, this is more precisely about how well they have optimised their cloud landscape, from both an operational and financial point of view.

The hyperscalers remain in sharp focus as organisations ascertain the optimal balance for hybrid environments and as they seek to extract maximum value from their infrastructure investments. As TechMarketView’s market/supplier data shows, the hyperscalers are a powerhouse in the market, with their partner ecosystems touching many others in the supplier landscape. But the broader competitive landscape includes a whole range of players that are essential for the succesful management and progression of Infrastructure Operations.

Infrastructure Operations: Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts 2024 can be accessed by members of the TechSectorViews research programme, designed for subscribers who want to understand the key technology and services markets in the UK. Contact Belinda Tewson for more information.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:15' - Tagged: cloud   multi-cloud   infrastructureoperations   hybrid cloud   cloud migration  

Wednesday 18 December 2024

TechMarketView in The Times, three times

TechMarketView has been working with B2B PR agency, CommsCo, since May. The agency has a reputation for driving visibility and thought leadership in the UK technology and national media, and has landed some significant succeses in 2024 to enhance TechMarketView’s reputation as the go-to source for expert insights.

One highlight has been the inclusion in three pieces of high-profileComms Co logo press coverage within Raconteur, the leading business supplement distributed with The Times. These features amplified TechMarketView’s industry expertise to a broad and influential audience. In case you missed it, you can read Simon Baxter’s views on key AI trends in 2025. Sustainability expert, Craig Wentworth, also shared his thoughts on sustainability in the IT landscape and the impact of Trump on tech policy. Some great insights thanks to Simon and Craig.

Beyond Raconteur, CommsCo has delivered 50+ pieces of media coverage for TechMarketView since the partnership began, spanning key publications across the tech and business landscape. This reach underscores the success of CommsCo’s strategic approach to PR, ensuring that TechMarketView’s research and analysis resonates with the audiences that matter most.

If you’re keen to raise your profile in 2025, please reach out to the CommsCo team at

Posted by HotViews Editor at '17:34'

Wednesday 18 December 2024

*UKHotViewsExtra* 1Password expands in the UK targeting SMBs

logo1Password, a provider of identity and access management solutions, is making the UK a key part of its expansion strategy in the EMEA region. Spearheading the effort is former Cisco executive Ollie Cheal, now General Manager for EMEA at 1Password. I recently caught up with Cheal to understand more about the company’s growth plans and how 1Password can help improve the overall security posture of UK businesses.

Password managers are tools that have seen significant growth both in the workplace and our personal lives over the past few years. Whilst some stick to the inbuilt features from the likes of Google and Apple, independent providers such as 1Password offer a range of more advanced features to store and access passwords across devices and platforms, monitor password security strength and generate passkeys (more on that later). But 1Password is also much more than just a password manager these days; the business has expanded through acquisitions, particularly that of Kolide, which it bought in February 2024, a provider of device trust security. Device Trust ensures that if a device isn't known and secure, it cannot access protected applications, significantly reducing risk while supporting Zero Trust access architecture.

1Password is actively hiring in the UK, with one-third of its $250m in annual B2B revenue already coming from EMEA, with the UK a key target market for future growth. The company supports organisations of all sizes from 10 person SME’s through to large enterprises, though the sweet spot for the business is the mid-market (c.100 users). According to Cheal, 1Password aims to give small and mid-size firms the same cybersecurity resilience as larger enterprises without the associated price tag. The business classifies itself as in a ‘hypergrowth’ phase, estimated at c.30%+ yoy growth. On the UK side, the business has 80 people in EMEA with 70 in the UK. Customers include the likes of SAP, Slack, Salesforce, IBM, Canva, plus many more.

As the business seeks to grow further, partners will play an important role, with 1Password launching its partner program earlier this year and a new MSP program coming very shortly. Cheal noted that the company is actively hiring more people in this area as the business seeks to build out its channel strategy.

UKHotViews PremiumYou can read further analysis, including how 1Password is integrating with SSO and driving growth in the use of passkeys, in UKHotViewsExtra: 1Password expands in the UK targeting SMBs. The article is available to all TechMarketView subscribers.

Posted by Simon Baxter at '07:00'

Tuesday 17 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* UK Public Sector Predictions 2025

PSV Predictions 2025 coverIn November 2024, we published TechMarketView Predictions 2024: Sink or Sprint. The report detailed how 2024 focused on "Enabling Acceleration"—building the foundations to ensure readiness to leverage emerging technologies for business value at pace. In 2025, it will be time to accelerate.

Even though the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has upgraded its UK GDP forecasts for this year and next (to 1.1% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025), growth will not be exceptional. Moreover, the OBR has downgraded its view from 2026 onwards. There remains significant caution amongst UK executives regarding what might be around the corner, particularly considering an increasingly unpredictable geopolitical situation.

Today, we have published our predictions for the UK public sector software and IT services landscape. The report provides six predictions for each of subsectors we track (Central Government, Defence, Health, Local & Regional Government, Education and Police), revealing the challenges and opportunities that will underpin these public sector technology markets in 2025 and beyond.

PublicSectorViews suppliers can read our predictions for the use of technology in the public sector by downloading UK Public Sector SITS Predictions 2025 now.

If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson to find out more.

Posted by Dale Peters at '15:48' - Tagged: defence   education   police   health   predictions   local+government   public+sector   central+government  

Tuesday 17 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* UK Financial Services SITS Predictions for 2025

As we look forward to 2025 and consider some of the developments and trends expected to come to the fore during the next twelve months, the topic of AI once again looms large over many technology initiatives within UK Financial Services. Meanwhile, as highlighted by TechMarketView's research theme for 2025 of "Sink or Sprint", UK Financial Services organisations will be working determinedly to shorten the time to value in respect of both their customer interactions and their technology investments.

Predictions 2025UK Financial Services SITS Predictions for 2025 adds some context to the fervour around AI and highlights some of the key areas of focus within the sector. Our latest predictions are also intended to highlight some of the potential areas of growth and opportunity in the marketplace over the next twelve months and beyond.

Subscribers to FinancialServicesViews can download UK Financial Services SITS - Ten Predictions for 2025 now. If you do not currently have access to this report but you would like to learn more about our predictions for the year ahead or any other of our material, please contact Belinda Tewson

Posted by Jon C Davies at '07:00' - Tagged: insurance   banking   CapitalMarkets   wealth management  

Monday 16 December 2024

*UKHotViewsExtra* i2 providing actionable intelligence for key policing priorities

i2 logoi2 has been providing visual analysis solutions for law enforcement, defence, national security, government and financial services for decades. Its software collects, manages, and organises information and intelligence, making it easier for analysts and investigators to identify networks, patterns, and trends in structured and unstructured data.

In January 2022, IBM sold the i2 product portfolio, including Analyst's Notebook, iBase, Connect, and Enterprise Insight Analysis, to Constellation Software subsidiary Harris Group (see IBM divests of i2 analytics business). Since the acquisition, i2 has been evolving rapidly, becoming a more agile and innovative business, that can provide the actionable intelligence to address many of the biggest challenges in policing.

UKHotViews Premium logoTechMarketView spoke to Jamie Caffrey, Executive Vice President, and Seth Cooke, Technical & Tradecraft Subject Matter Expert, about the progress i2 has made and how its solutions can form a valuable tool for tackling key policing priorities such as knife crime, safeguarding and violence against women and girls (VAWG).

TechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can read more about  i2 providing actionable intelligence for key policing priorities here. If you aren't a subscriber—or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription—please contact Belinda Tewson to find out more.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:52' - Tagged: strategy   police   analytics   data   law+enforcement   public+safety  

Monday 16 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* SustainabilityViews Predictions 2025

SustainabilityViews Predictions 2025 coverMuch of the focus at 2024’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) in November centred around the scale of payments due to compensate developing nations for the effects of climate change (extreme weather events, etc.) and help them decarbonise their economies.

However, other issues were discussed and decided; amongst them, an agreement on registries for international carbon trading markets, collaboration on the development of sustainable tech and resilient digital infrastructure, and commitments to establish better pathways for incorporating tech more firmly into countries’ long-term net zero policies.

With a review of intermediate net zero progress due at COP30 in Brazil next year, all of these matters will have bearing on the priorities and resources that tech user organisations ascribe to their sustainability efforts in the months and years ahead; and thus on the opportunities for software and IT services (SITS) suppliers to contribute to various sustainability initiatives.

And it’s all happening against a backdrop of an incoming Trump administration in the US, with the President-elect having established something of a climate-sceptic stance in the run-up.

With this in mind, we’ve selected ten (unranked) predictions for sustainability technology in 2025, looking at changes in policy, practice, products, and players that are most likely to move the dial when it comes to tech user outcomes and supplier opportunities:

  • Role clarity will emerge at the nexus of business, tech, and sustainability
  • IoT and edge will combine to bridge the IT/OT divide for core ops
  • Forward-thinking businesses will see the carrots beyond regulatory sticks
  • Greenhushing concerns will encourage ‘shadow sustainability’
  • Partnerships and platforms will simplify a fragmented tech landscape
  • Multiple innovations will be needed to address the ‘sustainable AI paradox’
  • Solving sustainability will become a problem-shared
  • Sustainability-as-a-Service solutions will de-risk adoption of best practices
  • Sustainability’s giant leaps will come in baby steps
  • Circular approaches will extend product lifecycles

SustainabilityViews subscribers can download SustainabilityViews Predictions 2025 now. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your company has a subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson to find out how you can access the research.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '07:00' - Tagged: partnerships   predictions   regulation   edge   platforms   circular economy   roles   greenhushing   Sustainability-as-a-Service  

Thursday 12 December 2024

*UKHotViewsExtra* InterSystems’ healthcare heritage powers multi-sector data expansion

InterSystemsTechMarketView recently sat down with InterSystems’ UK&I Country Manager, Colin Henderson—now 10 months in post—to discuss both the company’s momentum in the UK health market, and also its plans for wider deployment of the underpinning InterSystems IRIS data platform in other sectors.

In our UKHotViewsExtra article InterSystems’ healthcare heritage powers multi-sector data expansion, subscribers to TechMarketView research services can learn about how InterSystems is fast-tracking customers to activate more functionality from their existing implemented systems (such as opening up diagnostics capabilities and extending acute deployments out into the community), where the company is deploying AI across its offerings, and how it’s looking to Systems Integrator partners to expand the reach of the InterSystems IRIS data platform further into Supply Chain and Financial Services markets.

UKHotViews PremiumTechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can read InterSystems’ healthcare heritage powers multi-sector data expansion now. If you’re not a subscriberor aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscriptionplease contact Belinda Tewson to find out more.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '10:07' - Tagged: expansion  

Thursday 12 December 2024

TechMarketView and The King’s Trust: Can you help?

TechMarketView has had a very long association with The King’s Trust – which was The Prince’s Trust until very recently. This started many years ago with the work by TechMarketView co-founder, Richard Holway, to raise money from the tech sector via the Technology Leadership Group (TLG) he also co-founded.

Over the years, both Richard and TechMarketView have continued to work closely with The Trust, and I am delighted to say I’ve taken on the role of Chair of the Business Development subcommittee. The subcommittee supports the TLG in raising funds and gaining support from tech firms to help young people into work and to develop their KT logocareers.

One example is that of Charlotte, now an Associate Solutions Engineer. Charlotte spent 10 years working in McDonald’s – sometimes doing double shifts. When COVID hit, she was able to take a moment to think about what she really wanted to do. On furlough, she took the opportunity to invest in herself by undertaking tech training, starting with the AWS re/Start programme, which she accessed through The Trust. It was, in her own words, a life-changing moment. She was also supported by a mentor from The Trust, which helped her to feel confident and excited about where her career might take her.

There are a tonne of things tech companies can do to help young people get on the road to an exciting career and better prospects – funding is an obvious one, but there are other aspects such as apprenticeships, mentoring, and education in primary schools.

There are also plenty of fundraising events to support. One of our favourite at TechMarketView is “Future Steps”, which takes place every February and challenges teams to raise funds for The Trust by walking 10,000 steps every day of the month. This year, the whole of TechMarketView will step away from their desks and swap a day of working for a day of walking. Dogs allowed! And I am pleased to say Richard will also be joining us!

If you would like to get involved with The King’s Trust and would like to know more, contact me (email Kate) and I will happily be of assistance!

Posted by Kate Hanaghan at '09:10'

Wednesday 11 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* AI Impact: Back Office Operations

AI ImpactArtificial Intelligence (in particular GenAI) is disrupting all areas of the UK Software and IT services market, with technologies including AI-enhanced automation, AI agents and Copilots putting pressure on suppliers to adapt their value proposition and respond to customer demands for productivity gains, engaging customer service and enhancing the employee experience.

We have already seen GenAI deployments proving their worth across a range of business domains; from sales and marketing, to business process services, customer contact centres and software development. Both existing suppliers and new start-ups and scale-ups are seeking to differentiate across these markets, developing innovative platforms and combining them with industry knowledge and AI expertise.

The new AI Impact report series from TechMarketView will draw on in-depth interviews and proprietary analysis to provide greater insight into the true disruption AI poses across different business domains. In these reports you will gain further insight into:

  • What are the key trends driving AI adoption and disruption
  • Which suppliers are the Disruptors and Innovators using AI to differentiate their solutions and value proposition
  • The importance of industry expertise and exploiting partner ecosystems in delivering customer value
  • Real-world examples of achieving AI value and ROI
  • Recommendations for technology suppliers and end user organisations on how to exploit the growing AI opportunity.

Report coverThe first report in the series, ‘AI Impact: Back Office Operations’ is available now!

Business process services has been through many shifts over the past few years, with the introduction of cloud technologies and the adoption of data enhanced solutions. Yet many back-office processes have remained largely unchanged for decades.  

Suppliers, both stalwarts of the Business process service (BPS) industry and disruptive startups are looking to offer new solutions that will impact a number of back-office functions such as HR, Legal and Accounting & Finance. GenAI solutions, empowered through the latest LLMs are reducing once manually intensive and laborious tasks such as claims analysis, invoice handling and recruitment screening from days or weeks of work into hours and even minutes.

The AI Impact: Back Office Operations report is available to all TechSectorViews subscribers. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your company has a subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson to find out how you can access the research and much more.

Posted by Simon Baxter at '17:02'

Tuesday 10 December 2024

*UKHotViewsExtra* Proof points and potential: Netcompany’s hyper-transferability mission

NetcompanyTechMarketView recently sat down with Netcompany’s Managing Partner for the UK, Richard Davies, to talk about the company’s four main areas of focus, and how they’re influencing how it approaches opportunities in UK public sector (much of which is drawn from the company’s successful transformations in the Scandinavian public sector). We also discussed barriers to transformation in the UK public sector, and innovative approaches to re-use which can help shift departments out of the digital doldrums.

According to Davies, one of the biggest barriers to transformation in the UK public sector (versus other countries) is the way that functions are still geared up to procure resources, not outcomes. However, changing the culture requires proof points; and that requires more transferrable examples from other sectors (and countries), and more local prototypes to provide local context.

In our UKHotViewsExtra article points and potential: Netcompany’s hyper-transferability mission, subscribers to TechMarketView research services can learn about how Netcompany’s four-way focus for the UK Public Sector Market, including its approach to software re-use, tax system modernisation, real-time organisational ‘control towers’, and managed services.

ukhotviews premiumTechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can read Proof points and potential: Netcompany’s hyper-transferability mission now. If you’re not a subscriber – or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription – please contact Belinda Tewson to find out more.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '22:56' - Tagged: re-use  

Friday 06 December 2024

*NEW RESEARCH* COP29: Money, markets, and momentum

COP29: Money, markets, and momentum report coverCOP29 (the UN’s 29th Climate Change Conference) came to a close in Baku, Azerbaijan recently, marking two weeks of pledges, declarations, announcements, and commitments on various climate-related measures among a global community of nearly 200 countries.

Although it wasn’t the only thing debated at this “finance COP”, by far the most headline-grabbing discussions and decisions this year centred around the New Collective Quantified Goal—the deal whereby industrialised countries would increase payments to developing nations designed to help them cope with the damage caused by climate events, and also to transition their economies to greener energy sources and manufacturing methods.

There were discussions and declarations more directly relating to tech though, too. 2024’s proceedings saw COP’s first Digitalisation Day, which included discussions dedicated to the role of technology in both fighting climate change, and also the increasing energy appetite, and hence emissions contribution, of AI.

However, the spectre of the incoming Trump administration hung heavy over proceedings. The President-elect has already declared his intention to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement and promised on the campaign trail to “drill, baby, drill”, setting us up for an ‘interesting’ year in terms of emissions reduction policies and practice ahead of COP30’s review of net zero progress in Brazil 2025.

Read our new report COP29: Money, markets, and momentum - Tech preps the groundwork for 2025 for analysis of the climate-related commitments agreed at COP29, where technology can play a part in emissions-reduction, and a lookahead to the preparations for next year’s COP.

SustainabilityViews subscribers can download COP29: Money, markets, and momentum - Tech preps the groundwork for 2025 now. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your company has a subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson to find out how you can access the research.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '09:35' - Tagged: carbon markets   COP   COP29   emissions reduction   digitalisation   carbon trading  

Thursday 05 December 2024

*NEW PODCAST* Totally Sust #6: Wind-as-a-Service: Wing-sail solutions to decarbonise global shipping

FastRig wing-sail (image courtesy of Robin Creative Media)The latest episode in TechMarketView's series of Totally Sust podcasts sees SustainabilityViews’ lead analyst, Craig Wentworth, interview Di Gilpin (Founder & CEO at Smart Green Shipping) and Henry Smith (Chartering Manager at MOL, the Mitsui O.S.K. Lines shipping business) about how Smart Green Shipping's FastRig wing-sail is being used to decarbonise commercial shipping, and the company's innovative Wind-as-a-Service business model that helps de-risk adoption of such innovative new tech.

An edited (15-minute) version of the podcast is available to stream for free now on SoundCloud and Spotify (or you can click on the image below to play it on this page).


Subscribers to our SustainabilityViews research stream, however, can stream or download the full 35-minute version of the episode. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your company has a subscription, please contact Belinda Tewson to find out how you can access the research.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '09:06' - Tagged: shipping   decarbonisation   podcast   wingsail   wing-sale  

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