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It was fantastic to meet top brass from the twelve ‘small but perfectly formed’ (well, some not quite there yet!) privately-held UK software and IT services companies that now join the ranks of the TechMarketView Little British Battlers.
They are (note: pics not in same order):
Yesterday was our fifth Little British Battler event and brings the tally to 60 companies that have participated in the programme since its launch in November 2011.
As ever, we were bowled over by the enthusiasm and determination of the management teams to punch even further above their weight in local – and in many cases overseas – markets. And we heard about some great technology and innovation too, including one company that ended up designing its own purpose-built scanner to drive its proprietary SaaS-platformed document management service.
You’ll be hearing more about these Little British Battlers here in UKHotViews over the next couple of weeks. Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients will also be privy to a more detailed analysis of the companies in our next Little British Battler Report to be published in January.
Many thanks to our sponsors MXC Capital, and also to industry association techUK for hosting us. And many congratulations again to the 12 companies comprising our ‘Fifth Dimension’. Watch out early next year for the announcement of Little British Battlers – The Sixth Sense!
Posted by HotViews Editor at '10:05'
In the latest edition of TechMarketView OffshoreViews we take a look at Cognizant’s recent flurry of acquisition activity which continues to set them apart from their peers.
Plus we have our usual pithy round-up of the India-centric majors along with our handy summary of their key financial and operating metrics, and a quick-click index to our recent UKHotViews posts about the players.
Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download the latest edition of OffshoreViews here.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:02' - Tagged: offshore
Today, CEOs from the twelve companies selected to participate in our fifth Little British Battler Day (see Little British Battlers – the Fifth Dimension) are coming to London to meet the TechMarketView team and discuss their achievements, challenges and aspirations.
We will be presenting highlights of each company here in UKHotViews in coming weeks and we will publish a more detailed analysis of the companies in our next Little British Battler report early in the new year.
Because today’s event sees the entire TechMarketView research team out from the crack of dawn, there will be a limited UKHotViews service this morning. But fear not - we will be back tomorrow as usual talking about the things that really matter in the UK IT scene.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '06:00'
Are you a guru in ‘all things digital’? We are looking to recruit a principal analyst to join TechMarketView to boost our research in the ‘digital space’.
The role will involve working across all of our research streams (see our website) to support our research into ‘digital transformation’ and related trends. As such, the ideal candidate will have at least three years’ experience researching the UK IT industry and have deep insight into trends in SMAC (social media, mobile, analytics/big data, cloud) and related areas such as ‘Internet of Things’.
Ideally you are already an experienced industry analyst, but your background could also be in market intelligence for an IT supplier, or as a tech journalist.
You must have proven skills communicating an informed opinion based on your research, both in writing and face-to-face with our clients. Our extensive client list includes top executives in the IT industry, government officials and investors. We hold a privileged position with many of our clients as advisors as much as analysts.
This is a very demanding but highly stimulating role. You must be self-motivated, confident, disciplined, and deadline-focused. We all work from our own homes but this is not just a ‘work at home’ job as you will be spending much of your time out in the market meeting clients and attending company briefings, as well as talking to the media. This means you should ideally live within an hour’s commute of central London.
TechMarketView is the very definition of ‘small but perfectly formed’! The compensation is competitive, the working hours are flexible, and there is plenty of opportunity for the right candidate to take on greater responsibility if they prove their worth. But perhaps the most significant reward is the recognition you get from being part of the most respected brand in the UK IT research industry.
If you think you might fit the bill, please email your CV with covering note to TechMarketView Managing Partner, Anthony Miller.
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Posted by HotViews Editor at '00:08'
As the UK education software and IT services (SITS) supplier market evolves, a long heritage will not guarantee future success. As cloud services are more widely adopted and new entrants clamour to make their mark, the leading players cannot rest on their laurels.
Subscribers to TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews research stream can read our analysis of the changing education landscape in our new report, the UK Education SITS Market Trends & Supplier Landscape 2014-15, available for download from today.
The report reveals the Top 10 suppliers to the education market in 2014 and their performance and prospects in the sector, as well as the up and coming suppliers that shouldn’t be ignored. Report author, Michael Larner, also outlines how the market is changing; ICT is playing an increasingly central role in both schools and higher/further education institutions and is more and more integral to the delivery of education.
If your organisation is not yet a PublicSectorViews subscriber and you’d like further details on our subscription packages please contact Deborah Seth from our Client Services team.
Posted by Michael Larner at '12:17' - Tagged: markettrends education suppliers
Far from being a quiet time for the analyst team here at TechMarketView recent months have seen a raft of high impact developments in the UK SITS market. Many of these have caught the eye of the press with our team regularly being called upon for their valuable opinions. Here’s just a snapshot of what caught the eye.
One of the biggest stories to break in the media was the split of HP. This was covered by InfrastructureViews research director, Kate Hanaghan, who was quoted in The Financial Times HP Signals Dealmaking is on the Cards and then again in HP’s chief seeks to double its chance of success. Kate was also called upon by BBC World News, in a broadcast on the split, available to listen to online.
Also in The Financial Times, FinancialServicesViews research director, Peter Roe, is quoted on the fortunes of Monitise in Losses Grow Faster than Revenues at Monitise and ComputerWorldUK pick up on this story with Peter quoted again in Monitise revenues and losses increase as business overhaul continues. Peter also gets a mention in ComputerWorldUK on the Sage acquisition of PayChoice, Sage adds to its payroll by acquiring cloud firm PayChoice.
Also in ComputerWorldUK PublicSectorViews analyst, Michael Larner, is quoted on Sunderland City Council hiring US firm Palantir in Sunderland Council builds big data intelligence hub with Palantir. Michael’s insight on Microsoft in the public sector is featured in both and articles Microsoft ‘set to grow council business’.
While PublicSectorViews research director, Georgina O’Toole, shares her opinions on Liam Maxwell staying in his post as government chief of technology in ComputerWorldUK article Liam Maxwell signs up to government CTO role until 2018, with the same story being covered in IT Pro, click here to read the full article.
There’s more from Peter in Vanilla Plus article Time to make the right alliances in the mobile commerce market on the mobile market and mobile payments. While back on the subject of the HP split company chairman, Richard Holway, is quoted in Diginomica article HP decides Apotheker’s break-up plan was right after all. Online technology news channel ZDNet quotes ESASViews research director, Angela Eager, on Windows 10 in Windows 10: Microsoft's last big splash OS, but will a drip, drip of updates suit firms better?
That wraps up just some of the media highlights from the previous few months. For a full overview go to our In The Press webpage. We’d also like to thank Brands2Life for collating this update and keeping tabs on where and when our analysts are quoted.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '00:00'
Throughout 2014, Monitise has undergone significant change as it embarked on a new business model ("Monitise 2.0"), announced at the end of March as a way of accelerating its "land-grab" and establishing itself as the pre-eminent facilitator of banking, payment and transaction services over mobile devices.
We highlighted Monitise in our report "Finding the Winners in UK payments", and we now have the opportunity to take stock of the company’s strategy and comment on its outlook. The company is certainly doing many of the right things to succeed and has the cash to pursue its ambition, but it is clear that this strategy is not without risk and that the test that Monitise management has set itself will continue for some time.
With the massive advance in mobile usage and the growing acceptability of mobile commerce and mobile banking the growth dynamic underpinning this approach is already clear, but the success of Monitise will depend upon the answers to the following 4 questions;
Monitise management is doing many of the right things to succeed, but the company needs to build and exploit scale to enable its model to drive real value for the banks, retailers and content providers to generate additional business as end-customers use their mobiles more and more. The report is available to FinancialServicesViews and Foundation Service customers here - if you are interested in subscribing, please contact Deb Seth of our Client Services team.
Posted by Peter Roe at '17:11' - Tagged: mobility analytics bigdata payments banking
The UK healthcare software and IT services (SITS) supplier landscape is evolving. Suppliers that rapidly built a presence in the sector under the former National Programme for IT in the NHS (NPfIT) are finding their positions in the market under threat from a host of new rivals. Some rivals are long-time incumbents in the sector. Others are hopeful new entrants: some from other areas of the UK public sector, some from other vertical markets or geographies, and some fresh-faced start-ups.
Subscribers to TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews research stream can read our analysis of the changing healthcare SITS supplier landscape in our new report, the UK Healthcare SITS Supplier Landscape 2014-15, available for download from today.
The report reveals the Top 20 suppliers to the NHS IT market in 2014 and how the mix of suppliers is changing post NPfIT. Read our views on the performance and prospects of the leading players in the sector, and see which suppliers have climbed the rankings and which have slipped down.
Just as interesting is TechMarketView’s analysis of which suppliers are ‘rising stars’ in the sector - not yet in the rankings but definitely worth watching in the months ahead. Could these players be a new competitor, a useful partner, or a worthy investment opportunity?
Report author and TMV director Tola Sargeant also shares her views on how the supplier landscape is likely to evolve further over the next five to ten years. Will we see more mutual organisations and social enterprises active in NHS IT? More offshore service provision? Or new breeds of supplier in telehealth and telecare services? Log in and click here to download the report and read more if you’re a PublicSectorViews subscriber.
If your organisation doesn’t yet subscribe to PublicSectorViews and you’d like further details on our subscription packages please contact Deborah Seth from our Client Services team.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:20' - Tagged: health research suppliers
Eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients can download the latest edition of IndustryViews Quoted Sector to see our latest analysis of how the stock performance of UK software and IT services companies listed on the London Stock Exchange compares with their international peers.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:11'
We are delighted to announce the names of the twelve companies selected to participate in the fifth TechMarketView Little British Battlers Day to be held in London on 26th November (see here) in association with corporate finance firm MXC Capital.
They are:
The CEOs will be meeting TechMarketView analysts to present their company’s achievements, plans and aspirations, and we look forward to telling you more about them in coming weeks.
Once again we had a tremendous response to participate and as ever it was a difficult task to select 12 companies from a very worthy list. But there will be another chance to apply to participate in the sixth Little British Battler Day early next year.
Meanwhile, congratulations to the ’Fifth Dimension’!
Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:55' - Tagged: lbb
Last year, the UK BPS supplier landscape was all about diversity of performance of suppliers within the top 20 (see UK Business Process Services Supplier Landscape, 2013). In 2014, this diversity not only continues, but has led to real disruption of the status quo among the top 20 - exposing the decline of some really big name suppliers like HP, IBM and BT, and the rise of some new names and star performers.
Mid-tier players like Steria and Arvato, new entrants like customer management providers Webhelp and Teleperformance, and disruptors like insurance BPS player Quindell are all finding themselves moving up the rankings as they benefit from this shift away from the established ‘old order’ providers.
This is reflected in the continuing drift away from legacy lift and shift BPO offered by the ‘old guard’, towards platform BPO, Business Process as-a-Service (BPaaS) and Business Process Automation (BPA) alternatives, offered by today’s innovators, which offer shorter, more flexible business processing built around new technology and increasingly automated services.
Additionally, disruptors from outside the BPS sector, pure Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) alternatives, are eating into established sectors of the market—like lift and shift BPO— and offering dramatically reduced cost alternatives to outsourced business processing, while allowing customers to retain control of their own operations.
BPS suppliers are being tested to the limits to respond. Hybrid BPS models, platform innovations and automation are all part of the fight back as the old guard attempt to re-invent their modus operandi.
Subscribers to TechMarketView’s influential BusinessProcessViews research service can read the detailed analysis of the winners and losers in the new anchor report UK Business Process Services Supplier Landscape 2014. If you're not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth ( who will be happy to help.
Posted by John O'Brien at '08:08' - Tagged: bpo bps suppliers