Friday 31 May 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Recruitment Outsourcing – Is there a better way?

RPO coverRecruitment remains one of the largest and most important components of the UK business services market, though in recent years the sector has become increasingly commoditised and fragmented. Many household names play in this space such as the likes of Adecco, Hays, Reed and Manpower, but with some 40,000 recruitment agencies in operation even the very largest players have less than a 5% market share.

As the service has become increasingly commoditised and transactional in nature, the focus has naturally fallen on driving higher sales volumes. In turn, the offer has become both less strategic and less about delivering a personal service. Recruitment in some eyes is now positioned alongside the likes of Estate Agents as being all about a ‘numbers game’.

However, perhaps under the surface things are starting to change, with some businesses taking a fresh look at the offer with a view to a partnership-led approach to service delivery. After all 2019 is TechMarketView’s ‘Year of the Relationship’. Could this even apply to recruitment one of the most transactional parts of the Business Process Services (BPS) sector?

Read the report here: "Recruitment Outsourcing – Is there a better way?".

For subscription enquiries, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '07:56' - Tagged: recruitment   newresearch   relationship  

Thursday 30 May 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Open Banking momentum starts to build

Open BankingDespite being in its infancy, Open Banking has already been a catalyst for significant change in the UK. Although there is still inertia around the implementation of the CMA's reforms, the industry dynamic is evolving, and the competitive landscape is expanding. The genie is now firmly out of the bottle, and the brave new world of innovation, competition and third-party providers is here to stay.

TechMarketView has published new research that explores the Open Banking landscape in the UK and provides some perspective on the reforms. The research also examines some of the recent developments in the UK's Open Banking ecosystem.

TechMarketView readers who subscribe to FinancialServicesViews can download and read Open Banking momentum starts to build

Readers of this report may like to view it in conjunction with some of our previous research on this topic (see: Open Banking and FinTech and Open Banking it's alive!)

If you are not already a subscriber to FinancialServicesViews and would like to learn more, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Jon C Davies at '09:06' - Tagged: FinTech   OpenBanking  

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Latest TechMarketView Research

TechMarketView analysts have once again been busy publishing a range of reports and in-depth articles. Take a moment to catch up and make sure you haven’t missed any of our latest research! 

If you’re a TechMarketView subscription client the titles below take you straight to the in-depth article or report:

report covers

Recruitment Outsourcing – Is there a better way?

Penetration Testing: UK Supplier Directory

Getronics targeting double-digit growth

Arvato extends with DfT

BearingPoint challenges to succeed

Expleo builds on its heritage

AWS Summit London: public sector to the fore

Advanced Health & Care: Opportunities and Potential

Digital Employee Experience and The Future of Work

If you don’t currently subscribe to one of our research streams or UKHotViews Premium and you’d like details of our 2019 subscription packages email Deb Seth to learn more.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:45' - Tagged: research  

Tuesday 28 May 2019

*UKHotviewsExtra* Getronics targeting double-digit growth

getWe recently caught up with Campbell Robertson, the recently appointed UK MD for Getronics.HVP

Regular readers will have followed the very interesting (and transformational) journey Getronics has been on over the recent past, driven by significant M&A activity. In 2017, Getronics was sold by investment house, Aurelius, to strategic investor, Bottega InvestCo. A year later Getronics acquired US-based Pomeroy, enabling it to achieve its goal of becoming a billion-dollar company two years earlier than originally planned. The firm quickly followed this purchase with the acquisition of French firm, ITS Overlap (see Getronics continues summer of acquisitions), and subsequently revised its growth target to $2bn. MORE……

(If you would like to read this UKHotViewsExtra article but are not a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to access this and other HotViewsExtra and archived HotViews notes.)

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:21' - Tagged: partnerships   hybrid   multi-cloud  

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Great British Scaleups: Gaining a Sixth Sense

We are delighted to announce the names of the six fast-growing UK tech SMEs selected to participate in our sixth Great British Scaleup event today in London.

logosThey are:

  • Atlas Cloud
  • Glisser
  • Switchee
  • Tascomi
  • Wieldy Digital
  • Workbooks Online

Top executives of these companies will be joining TechMarketView research directors and ScaleUp Group advisors to gain an independent, constructive critique of their business plans and help identify the opportunities and obstacles to scaling up. We will be publishing brief profiles of the companies in coming weeks.  

Many congratulations to all of these Great British Scaleups!

The TechMarketView Great British Scaleup programme is generously sponsored by ScaleUp Group and proudly supported by techUK.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:00' - Tagged: GreatBritishScaleup   scaleup  

Tuesday 21 May 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* Arvato extends at DfT

Arvtato logoWhen Arvato won its shared services contract with the Department for Transport in 2013 (see Arvato confirmed as DfT share services provider), the option to extend the seven-year contract for a further three years was included. Today, Arvato have confirmed that the department has exercised that option, meaning the arrangement will run until 2023. The contract has been one of Arvato’s key business relationships in the UK since it was signed.

Under the terms of the extension, Arvato will continue to provide back office shared services (HR, procurement, payroll and finance services) to DfT and its executive agencies (Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA).

HV Premium logoIt’s worth highlighting that the arrangement looks very different to that which was originally envisaged... Read more.

If you would like to read this UKHotViewsExtra article but are not a TechMarketView subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to access this and a whole host of other research from the TechMarketView analyst team.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '07:15'

Monday 20 May 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* BearingPoint challenges to succeed

LogoEffectively a start-up business a decade ago, the UK arm of Europe-centric management and technology consultancy BearingPoint has made significant headway over the last ten years. Today it employs more than 150 people and generates an estimated turnover of c. £21m pa. The UK & Ireland (UKI) business was a stand-out performer within the firm in FY18 achieving “far above” market growth (see here). Our most recent analysis showed that demand for UK SITS consulting services increased by 5.6% last year, suggesting that BearingPoint UKI expanded by north of 15% yoy in 2018.

We recently caught up with James Rodger, Partner and Regional Leader UKI at BearingPoint to take a closer look at this ambitious and increasingly significant UK consulting operation. TechMarketView clients, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers can learn more via, UKHotViewsExtra (see: BearingPoint challenges to succeed).

Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '09:04' - Tagged: consulting  

Friday 17 May 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* Expleo builds on its heritage

ExpleoI caught up recently with the folks at quality assurance cum transformation specialist, Expleo, and spent some time with Head of Financial Services, Ross Hignett and his team at their Moorgate offices in London.

sqsExpleo as it is now, was formed in 2018 when Assystem Technologies acquired specialist, German quality assurance provider, SQS, (Software Quality Systems AG) (see: Assystem Technologies and SQS acquisition: bridging digital and physical). The company subsequently enhanced its transformation capabilities with the acquisition of management consulting firm, Moorhouse, (see: SQS gets physical with Moorhouse).

hvpTechMarketView clients, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers can learn more via, UKHotViewsExtra (see: Expleo builds on its heritage).

Posted by Jon C Davies at '07:00'

Thursday 16 May 2019

*New Research*: Digital Enablement via Low Code Platforms

imageSuppliers and end user organisations looking for tools to provide practical assistance and accelerants around transformation change programmes should be exploring the low code development sector.

The TechMarketView report ‘Digital Enablement via Low Code Platforms: understanding the position, uncovering the prospects’ provides critical insight into this fast growing technology  area that will play a key part in making 2019 and beyond the age of digital activism it ought to be. The report explores the positions of leading providers like OutSystems, Mendix and Appian, UK participants like Netcall and specialist low code services providers such as Green Lemon Company, as well as the approach to low code taken by software providers, from Microsoft to Unit4.

For all the positives that stem from this declarative, model driven approach to application development – which include the ability to deal with continuous change, cope with filled-to-bursting software and process development pipelines, enablement of core system modernisation and addressing skills shortages – the low code movement also represents a threat to application services providers. As low code-using end user organisations are able to do more in terms of self-service development, to shorter timescales and with lower costs, they are using their knowledge to pressure suppliers into upping their game. Suppliers need to build low code capabilities for their own sakes as well as on behalf of clients.

Low code platforms are perceived as only being suitable for lightweight, mobile and web applications. While they aren’t the solution for every development task and should only form part of a broader development toolkit, they  can tackle sophisticated business critical application and process requirements. 

If you're interested in this report but don’t have a TechMarketView subscription, you can contact Deb Seth to find out how to access our research services.

Posted by Angela Eager at '09:51' - Tagged: cloud   software   digital   development  

Tuesday 14 May 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* AWS Summit London: public sector to the fore

AWS logoTechMarketView, along with approximately 14,000 people, attended the AWS Summit in London last week. The event brought technologists together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS’ cloud technology solutions.

As well as a strong focus on cloud migration, app modernisation, AI, machine learning, data and analytics, the event highlighted the importance of giving more people the skills to build, manage and benefit from these technologies.

UKHotViews Premium logoThe use of AWS technology in the UK public sector has been growing rapidly, particularly in central government. The Summit included strong representation from public sector customers, including presentations from the Ministry of Justice, DVLA, Met Office, universities and the NHS.

In UKHotViewsExtra: AWS Summit London: public sector to the fore we take a look at some of the public sector organisations using AWS technology, review the presentations from the day and discuss the conversations we had about transforming public services through the application of cloud technologies at the Summit. TechMarketView subscribers (including UKHotViews Premium subscribers) can read more about the AWS Summit now. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to gain access.

Posted by Dale Peters at '08:47' - Tagged: publicsector   cloud   conference  

Thursday 09 May 2019

Latest TechMarketView Research

The TechMarketView analyst team has been busy over the last couple of weeks publishing a range of reports and in-depth articles. Take a moment to catch up and make sure you haven’t missed any of our latest research! 

If you’re a TechMarketView subscription client the titles below take you straight to the in-depth article or report:

report coversAdvanced Health & Care: Opportunities and Potential

Government Digital Service enters a new phase

Digital Employee Experience and The Future of Work

LBB ‘CentraStage’ continues to prosper at Datto

IndustryViews Corporate Activity

IndustryViews Quoted Sector

Digital Enablement via Low Code Platforms: understanding the position, uncovering the prospects

Another Year Another $1Billion – the SI Creative Agency Spending Spree Continues

If you don’t currently subscribe to one of our research streams or UKHotViews Premium and you’d like details of our 2019 subscription packages email Deb Seth to learn more.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:18'

Wednesday 08 May 2019

*UK HotVIewsExtra* Ensuring quality keeps up with the pace of transformation

The devastating IT outage suffered recently by Spanish owned, UK bank, TSB, has become an object lesson, of a worst-case scenario for IT migrations in banking. The problems that crippled the bank’s services last year have so far cost it around £330m (see: Sabadell highlight TSB challenges). To date, TSB has also lost more than 80,000 customers since its IT problems began (see: Customer exodus following TSB IT chaos).

Along with a number of other recent examples elsewhere in the industry, the problems experienced by TSB, highlight the back-office challenges, facing many of the major, established banks. What is interesting, especially in light of the high price of failure, is why the banks do not appear to be prioritising testing and quality assurance more highly, and why they are not investing more of their IT budgets in preventative measures.

HVPTechMarketView clients, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can learn more via HotViewsExtra (see: Ensuring quality keeps up with the pace of transformation).

Posted by Jon C Davies at '07:00' - Tagged: quality  

Tuesday 07 May 2019

*NEW RESEARCH* Advanced Health & Care: Opportunities and Potential

Advanced logoTechMarketView recently caught up with Ric Thompson, Managing Director Health & Care, and Alex Yeates, Medical Director, at Advanced to see how the health and care division is progressing following the acquisition of Docman last year (see Docman acquisition boosts Advanced’s healthcare potential).

At the time of the acquisition we discussed how Advanced had a solid position in urgent and community healthcare settings and Docman had significant reach into primary and acute settings, presenting substantial cross sell opportunities for the business.

In this latest PublicSectorViews research note, we provide an overview of the business, review progress made with the Ask NHS app, look at the new opportunities created by the Docman acquisition, and consider the expansion into primary care settings and other potential opportunities.

TechMarketView subscribers can download the research note – Advanced Health & Care: Opportunities and Potential – now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to find out more, please get in touch with Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '09:52' - Tagged: software   health   research  

Thursday 02 May 2019

*UKHotViewsExtra* Government Digital Service enters a new phase

Kevon Cunnington photoOn 30th April, Government Digital Service (GDS) Director General, Kevin Cunnington, recorded a podcast on the past, present and future of GDS. The podcast was published on the GDS blog. In UKHotViewsExtra, Georgina O’Toole, TechMarketView’s Chief Analyst, considers his views on GDS’ direction of travel and discusses how GDS’ likely influence as it enters its next phase.

HV Premium logoWhen we talk to suppliers to UK Government, there is one question that frequently pops up: how influential is the Government Digital Service (GDS)? The high level of interest arises as suppliers must determine where to focus the efforts of their finite sales, marketing and consultancy resources… read more

(If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to access this and a huge wealth of other research)

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '14:08'

Thursday 02 May 2019

* NEW RESEARCH * Penetration Testing: UK Supplier Directory

* NEW RESEARCH * Penetration Testing: UK Supplier DirectoryPenetration testing (pentesting) services are key to helping enterprise IT departments identify and plug holes in their cyber security defences, and many external entities are focussing on providing associated vulnerability assessments, IT health checks, red team exercises and ethical hacking services to organisations without the in-house expertise to conduct their own appraisals.

The supplier landscape has expanded rapidly in the last decade - it now incorporates everybody from small, specialist pentesting and cyber security firms to large infrastructure service companies and IT consultancies. Market consolidation seems inevitable and recent deals have seen smaller players snapped up by bigger rivals keen to expand their portfolio and address growing customer demand for better protection and assistance with regulatory compliance initiatives.

Our Penetration Testing: UK Supplier Directory report focusses on some of the small to medium sized organisations delivering pentesting tools and services to UK buyers, and highlights market trends that may require them to change their current strategies and business models in order to survive and expand.

The organisations profiled in this report include Blackberry, Bulletproof, Claranet, CNS Group, ECSC Group, Intertek, IT Governance, Kaspersky Lab, NCC Group, Nettitude, OGL Computer, Pen Test Partners, Tempest Security Intelligence, TÜV Rhineland and Shearwater Group.

Subscribers to SecureConnectViews can download our Penetration Testing: UK Supplier Directory report here. If you don't currently have access and would like to discuss your subscription options, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Martin Courtney at '09:30' - Tagged: suppliers   cyber   pentesting  

Wednesday 01 May 2019

Share Indices for Apr 19 - The good times just keep a-rolling on

HVPFour months into 2019 and the ‘Good times keep a-rolling on’. FTSE100 is up 10% YTD but it is tech that has soared. NASDAQ is up nearly 21% YTD - another 4.9% in Apr 19. Here in the UK, the FTSE SCS Index, which most closely tracks the UK HQed SITS stocks we follow, is up an even higher 25.5% YTD - up another 2% in Apr 19.

Richard Holway’s Review of share performance in Apr 19 is exclusively available to TechMarketView clients including HotViews Premium subscribers.

If you are not a paying subscriber...Why not? To subscribe today Click Here!

Posted by Richard Holway at '15:15'

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