Tuesday 31 May 2016

*NEW RESEARCH* 'Transforming Legacy' - Critical for BPS providers in the Digital Era

'Transforming Legacy' is one of our core themes for the UK Business Process Services (BPS) market in 2016 (see Predictions 2016 Business Process Services). As the adoption of Business Process Automation and other digital technologies accelerates, the need to transform the ‘legacy' business has become a critical do-or-die issue for providers.

'Legacy’ applies to BPS providers who have focused too heavily on Lift-and-Shift BPO to grow their business and build market share. And it also applies to others who haven’t moved fast enough to embed new technologies and services across their BPS operations, and have become over-weight and sluggish in their ability to grow and innovate.

BPS providers have to set the pace for their customers, transforming their own operations in order to support their customers in their own digital transformation agendas. The reason - they cannot profess to be expert in digital if they are not genuinely embedding these approaches across their own businesses. This often means taking some very tough decisions, to radically improve operating productivity and efficiencies through the use of new BPA and digital technologies.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's BusinessProcessViews research stream can read the analysis of and implications for BPS providers in our new report here - 'Transforming Legacy' - Critical for BPS providers in the Digital Era.

If you're not yet a subscriber and would like to become one, please contact Deb Seth ( who will be happy to help.

Posted by John O'Brien at '14:35' - Tagged: bps   automation   legacy   digital  

Tuesday 31 May 2016

NEW RESEARCH: CSC/HPE-ES: A first look at the UK rankings

logologoA couple of years ago, Hewlett Packard (as was) ceded its crown as the leading supplier of IT and business process services to the UK market to 'home-grown' Capita.

But will the merger of CSC with the Enterprise Services business of (now) Hewlett Packard Enterprise topple Capita from the top spot in 2017 and beyond?

We will be presenting our ‘first response’ analysis of the potential impact of the deal on the UK software and services in a series of UKHotViews Extra posts, exclusively for TechMarketView subscription service clients. The merger was announced on 24th May 2016 (see here) and is expected to close in March 2017. 

In our first UKHotViews Extra post, TechMarketView Managing Partner Anthony Miller looks at how the proposed merger could affect the UK supplier rankings. In future posts, TechMarketView Research Directors will look at the deal from the perspective of key UK services segments and vertical sectors.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:34' - Tagged: acquisition  

Monday 23 May 2016

Civica's plans for growth

civicaThe Civica of 2016 is a very different business from the 300-person, local government-focused software supplier that I started tracking as an analyst back in the early 2000s. After 14 years of unbroken growth, it now describes itself as ‘a leader in critical applications, digital solutions and outsourcing’, has some 3,200 employees and 1,500 major customers from across the public sector and regulated industries.

Talking to CEO Simon Downing, Deputy CE Wayne Story and Executive Director, Marketing, Tim Magness, it’s clear that last month’s acquisition of IPL was pivotal to Civica’s evolution and that the shape of the business has already changed. Subscribers to our PublicSectorViews research stream can read the detail in our latest AnalystViews research, Civica: Planning for growth, which is available for download from today.

If your organisation doesn't yet subscribe to PublicSectorViews and you'd like details of our 2016 subscription packages please email Deborah Seth in our Client Services team.

Posted by Tola Sargeant at '20:54' - Tagged: publicsector   centralgovernment   localgovernment   outsourcing   software   digital  

Friday 20 May 2016

Prince’s Trust ICT Leaders of the Last 40 Years

PTMost readers will know of my long association with the Prince’s Trust and that it is our 40th Anniversary this year. The tech sector has been a huge supporter of the Trust. It is also my 50th anniversary in computing having started as a computer programmer on 1st Jan 1966.

To celebrate this, I am organising the ICT Leaders of the Last 40 Years Dinner on 5th Oct 16 at Merchant Taylors Hall in the City. I have invited as many of the past and present leaders from the UK tech sector as I can and the response has been truly amazing. It is a veritable Who’s Who of the sector. Indeed the ‘Dame/Knight Count’ is now in double figures including Dame Stephanie Shirley (FI) , Sir Robin Saxby(ARM), Sir Colin Southgate (Thorn EMI) , Sir Rod Aldridge (Capita), Sir Peter Rigby (SCC), Sir Charles Dunstone (Carphone/TalkTalk) and Lord David Young (DTI). Many of the founders of our sector back in the 1960s are attending – Philip Hughes (Logica), Philip Swinstead (Systems Designers), Bryan Mills (CMG), Roger Graham (BIS), John Leighfield (ISTEL) .Also many others who have played a significant role in shaping the sector like Geoff Unwin (Hoskyns), Geoff Squire (Oracle etal), Steve Garnett (Oracle, Salesforce etc), Warren East (ARM, Rolls Royce), Andy Green (BT, Logica etc). Current leaders like Stephen Kelly (Sage), Duncan Tait (Fujitsu), Andy Isherwood (HPE) and many others are also attending.

It promises to be a once in a lifetime/never to be repeated event celebrating five decades of our sector with most of the ‘Legends’ attending.

If you would like to be invited, please email me in the first instance and, if you meet the criteria,  I will then pass your details to the Prince’s Trust.

I should point out that this is a fund-raiser for the Prince’s Trust. I am personally picking up the tab for this event but equally hope that attendees will, hint hint, generously support ‘the cause’!

Posted by Richard Holway at '10:19'

Tuesday 10 May 2016

*NEW RESEARCH* Machine Learning: Markets, Emerging Suppliers

ImageThe latest research from the Enterprise Software & Application Services (ESAS) stream “Machine Learning: Market and Emerging Suppliers” assesses the impact of machine learning, as we explore the market drivers and identify some of the emerging suppliers. Although an early stage technology area in terms of commercial deployments, it is core to modernisation and an important tool for suppliers helping customers make the most of their data assets.

In the context of Surfing the Waves of Disruption, our research theme for 2016, the machine learning wave is building but not yet ready to crest. However, software and application services suppliers cannot afford to wait because it is a covert enabler of competitive edge to be capitalised on, both within suppliers’ own organisations and with customers. Well developed and applied machine learning solutions can create a point of differentiation in terms of quality of execution, and support the creation of higher value services. This is particularly pertinent given the current early stage of digital transformation where suppliers are struggling to demonstrate differentiation and need to be judged on the quality of execution. When applied within customer organisations, its use can also further ‘trusted advisor’ positioning, while driving new business in terms of the supply of software and application services.

If you subscribe to ESASViews you can download “Machine Learning: Market and Emerging Suppliershere. If not, you know what to do: email Deb Seth to find out more about starting your subscription. 

Posted by Angela Eager at '00:00' - Tagged: software   applications   machinelearning  

Friday 06 May 2016

Don't miss your chance to join us for dinner on Sept 8th!

We're delighted to say that tickets for our fourth annual ‘Evening with TechMarketView’, which will take place in London on Thursday 8 September 2016, are selling like the proverbial hot cakes! If you'd like to join us there don't leave it too late - you can book by clicking here.

Following the success of the sell-out 2015 TechMarketView Presentation & Dinner, this year’s event will once again be held in the magnificent premises of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in Portland Place, London, from 6.30pm.

The evening, which will be centred around our 2016 research theme ‘Surfing the Waves of Disruption’, will commence with short, insightful presentations from the TechMarketView analyst team highlighting key trends in the UK software and IT services market. This will be followed by plenty of time for networking over drinks and a sumptuous three course dinner with your peers.

Event imageWe’re expecting a similar audience to the previous three years with around 250 ‘movers and shakers’ from the UK tech scene, for what has been described by previous C-level attendees as “the best networking event in the industry”.

Tickets do sell quickly, so we’d advise you to book early to avoid disappointment! We’ve held the prices at the same level as last year - £395+VAT per person for TechMarketView research subscription clients and £495+VAT per person for everyone else. There are also a limited number of tables of ten available at £3,950+VAT.

To secure your place, please click here to book or email tx2 events who are organising the event for us on

If your organisation would also be interested in sponsoring the event please email Tola Sargeant ( for details of available sponsorship packages.


Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:30' - Tagged: events  

Wednesday 04 May 2016

*NEW RESEARCH* Fujitsu services (UK) more profitable in FY15

fujitsuFY15 results out from Fujitsu show the Japanese company’s top line revenue was essentially flat over 2014 at 4,739.2bn yen. The operating profit margin was 2.5%, down 1.3 percentage points on the prior year. However, the tale is more positive in the UK.

For the full year, the UK received only one reference in yesterday’s press release: “Revenue in the Services sub-segment outside Japan declined because it was a slow period for large-scale deals in the UK and due to weakness in the US.”

We covered the high level points on the results here on Friday, but we’ve now had a chance to catch up with the UK business to get a little more detail on what this statement means.

Clients of our InfrastructureViews service can read the HotViewsExtra piece here: Fujitsu’s UK services business more profitable in FY15.

To become a TechMarketView customer, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Kate Hanaghan at '09:56'

Wednesday 04 May 2016

*NEW RESEARCH* Cloud Expo Europe highlights cloud, security and IoT development

Last month’s Cloud Expo Europe event saw a broad church of IT suppliers, vendors, legislators, financiers and end users congregate to discuss the latest advances in cloud, security and IoT technology.*NEW RESEARCH* Cloud Expo Europe highlights cloud, security and IoT development

TechMarketView was on hand to analyse their platform and strategy development, with organisations including the Royal Mail Group, Statoil, NHS England and the Allied Irish Bank offering unique insight into both current implementations and future investment and procurement plans.

Hybrid cloud and Office 365 migration, rapidly expanding data hosting requirements, and secure access to cloud based applications and services from any device underpin many end user rollouts. It was the pace of development behind the Internet of Things (IoT) which really stood out for us, though emerging use cases and expanding supplier partnerships must address continuing doubts around device and data security if IoT revenue streams are to fully mature.

Subscribers can download our in depth report "Cloud Expo Europe: mapping development and adoption of cloud, security and IoT" here.

Posted by Martin Courtney at '09:19' - Tagged: cloud   security   iot  

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