Monday 13 April 2009

New research from TechMarketView

As trailed last week (see HP-EDS India still a ‘game of two halves’) we have just published our latest OffshoreViews note with a deeper analysis of HP’s India-based offshore operations. TechMarketView subscription service clients can download it here.

And watch out for the launch issue of IndustryViews: Quoted Sector (IVQS), which will bring you our quarterly analysis of the UK software and IT services (SITS) quoted sector. IVQS will be followed by sister publications IndustryViews: M&A (IVMA) and IndustryViews: Private Equity (IVPE), which basically ‘do what they say on the tin’! Our aim is to bring you the most complete assessment of UK SITS industry dynamics, investor sentiment and valuations that you are likely to find in the marketplace.

But there’s more! Also next month we will publish CompanyViews, the authoritative rankings of the leading players in the UK software and IT services marketplace. We are currently ploughing through a mountain of company results to make sure our rankings are bang up to date. There’s sure to be lots of surprises and of course we’ll be giving you our opinion on the prospects of each of the ranked players in the UK market.

If you want to join those ‘in the know’ and get access to OffshoreViews, IndustryViews, CompanyViews, MarketViews, AnalystViews and of course the UKHotViews archive, please drop Puni Rajah a line at

Posted by Anthony Miller at '18:16'