Monday 27 July 2009

New research from TechMarketView

If you’ve been dazzled by the brilliant revival in tech stocks over the past couple of months (see Whither tech stocks?), you might want to take a somewhat more measured view by reading the just published July edition of TechMarketView’s IndustryViews Quoted Sector report.

As usual, we take you through the short, medium and long-term performance of the major tech indices, and take a deeper dive into the recently enlarged FTSE SCS (software and computer services) index. Then, unlike most commentators, we move outside of the realm of the traditional players, setting them in the context of key adjacent sectors: ITSA (IT staff agencies), BPO, and the major European and Global IT services stocks.

Finally we hone in on four of the ‘Dearly Departed’ UK SCS companies that recently exited AIM; two went ‘belly up’ but the other two live on, once again under private ownership.


Companion reports IndustryViews M&A and IndustryViews Private Equity will be updated soon to give you what we think is the most complete assessment of UK software and IT services industry dynamics you can find in one place. And to be in that place you need to be a client of the TechMarketView subscription service. Puni Rajah ( will be happy to show you the way!

Posted by Anthony Miller at '08:59'