Wednesday 04 November 2009

TechMarketView setting the agenda

TMV LogoTechMarketView is still less than a year old but we are really delighted with its progress. In particular, how TechMarketView has become an 'Agenda setter' - indeed just like we were with the Holway Report.

The first report in our new SoftwareViews research stream - on the State of the UK HQed Software Industry - has created great press coverage and favourable comment.

I was particularly pleased that BusinessWeek used the report as a basis for their weekly CIO debate. The article was under the headline The UK will never create a software giant to rival the likes of Microsoft, Google or Oracle. "That's the sobering conclusion of the CIO Jury which voted 10 to two against, when asked whether the UK could create a global software business to rival the technology industry's most powerful companies."

It's a really good read - I commend you to it.

Posted by Richard Holway at '09:41'