Friday 14 May 2010

Intellect ‘cautiously optimistic’ for UK tech

Intellect 2010 reportIn its just published annual president’s report, The State of the UK Technology Sector 2010, Intellect president John Higgins struck a note of cautious optimism for the sector this year. He surmised: “As a whole, we are seeing a return to growth, albeit slight, across the sector over the next 12 months.  However, we also anticipate changes across the industry as customer markets change and sectors are structurally changed through new business models.” Higgins noted that continuing investment in R&D could provide ‘exciting opportunities’ for tech companies in 2010.

TechMarketView, along with our European research partners, PAC, were proud to have played an important part in compiling this report, which includes our definitive growth forecasts for the UK software and IT services market. TechMarketView is hugely supportive of the work that Intellect does for the UK tech industry and we will continue to play our part to help promote the health of the sector its many highly innovative UK software and IT services companies. Indeed TechMarketView is working with Intellect to organise a major chief executive event towards the end of the year around the sustainability of UK IT skills, very much in line with the Making BrITain Great Again IT manifesto with which we were also deeply involved (see here). You’ll hear more from TechMarketView and Intellect about this soon.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:07'