Wednesday 29 July 2015

*NEW RESEARCH* ESAS Market Trends & Forecasts 2015

LogoDigital transformation is the great growth hope for the Enterprise Software & Application Services (ESAS) market but the reality of digital adoption is less fulsome than the market chatter suggests.

ESASViews subscribers can explore current and future trends and see where the most promising near term digital opportunities lie in  Enterprise Software & Application Services Market Trends and Forecast 2015, the latest report from the ESAS research stream. This core report also contains our market size and growth data.

The combination of market insight and market data make it essential reading for all ESAS suppliers operating in the UK market. Download the report here. If you do not have an ESASViews subscription, contact Deb Seth for details.

The digital playbook is all about smart operations. In our view, smart suppliers will play the long game and operate at the intersection between legacy and digital environments, prepared to sacrifice ’jam today’ for ’jam tomorrow’. But they also have to cope with the challenges of digital fragmentation and complex technology environments of multi-part joins and co-dependencies, all overlaid by cross department politics and budgets. All of which can conspire to push the digital transformation timeline to the right. Understanding and navigating these complexities is key to supplier success – and making revenue from the digital transformation opportunity.

Posted by Angela Eager at '10:01' - Tagged: software   applications