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Today we are launching The LBB100 report, following our hugely successful LBB100 event last night at the Oxo Tower in London (see Celebrating the 'LBB100').
The LBB100 report is to celebrate the fact that more than 100 innovative UK tech SMEs have now taken part in the TechMarketView Little British Battler (LBB) Programme.
We asked all of our LBBs to contribute to an anonymous questionnaire to answer a series of questions about what it takes to make it (or break it) as a UK Tech SME.
This report answers some of the burning questions about the LBBs, as they seek the next stage in their growth:
There are some fascinating findings. TechMarketView subscribers can now exclusively read the report here: The LBB100.
If you're not a TechMarketView subscriber, or would like to learn more about The LBB100 report, please contact Deb Seth (
Posted by HotViews Editor at '10:18' - Tagged: lbb