Wednesday 10 May 2017

*NEW RESEARCH* Student Data and Analytics: Market Trends and Supplier Opportunities

Student Data CoverIn this PublicSectorViews report, we take an in-depth look at student data and analytics in schools, colleges and universities.

These are challenging times for the UK’s education establishments. Dwindling funds in schools and colleges, and the move from grant to tuition fee funding in an increasingly competitive higher education market are, amongst other things, having a significant impact on the sector. It has resulted in a greater need for establishments to use data to prove their effectiveness and better understand their students, which is creating opportunities for suppliers.

Principal Analyst, Dale Peters, discusses the external pressures (e.g. funding, policy, demographic), advances in technology (e.g. cloud, AI and machine learning) and leading suppliers, to provide a comprehensive overview of UK market trends and supplier opportunities in student data and analytics.

Subscribers can download 'Student Data and Analytics: Market Trends and Supplier Opportunities' now. If you don’t have a TechMarketView subscription, please contact Deborah Seth for more information.

Posted by Dale Peters at '12:34' - Tagged: education   analytics   university   data   schools   MIS   SMS  

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