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The eagerly anticipated 2017 Infrastructure Services Supplier Ranking report has been launched today. InfrastructureViews subscribers can download it here.
The report examines the performance of the Top 20 players in the UK Infrastructure Services market, explaining the key market and industry forces that have impacted their businesses in the last year. One of the most significant changes to the ranking is the appearance of a new name: DXC Technology. DXC’s IS business is the result of the merged CSC and HPE Enterprise Services, and our estimates reflect the market challenges it is facing. Our analysis also includes our view of Amazon Web Services, which entered the Top 20 for the first time in last year’s report and continued to move up the ranking in spite of slower growth in its most recent financial year.
We also look outside of the Top 20 highlighting some of the most interesting players, and give our view on how M&A is impacting the industry and why the mid-market keeps on bearing fruit for suppliers.
If you want to understand who is excelling and who is struggling, this report will give you what is likely to be the most accurate view of players today.
If you don’t have a TechMarketView subscription or don’t take the InfrastructureViews research stream, you can contact Deborah Seth who will be able to advise on subscription options.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:54' - Tagged: cloud hosting infrastructure digital