Friday 27 October 2017

** New Industry Research from TechMarketView **

There’s a double helping of research on the UK software and IT services industry today with the publication of our quarterly IndustryViews Quoted Sector (IVQS) and IndustryViews Corporate Activity (IVCA) reports.

chartIVQS brings you our latest analysis of the UK software and IT services quoted sector scene with comparative share price performance against leading international software and IT services stocks.

chartIVCA provides a summary of corporate activity in the UK software and IT services market, including trade M&A and private equity deals.

The third report in the series, IndustryViews Venture Capital (IVVC) will follow soon. IVVC covers significant venture capital investment in UK tech startups and SMEs.

Subscribers to the TechMarketView Foundation Service can download IVQS and IVCA using the links.

For further information, please contact our Client Services team (

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:49'

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